Secure your online ID
Think twice before posting your online
display image, icon or profile. image Thinkstockphotos/ Getty Images
e-mail is your personal diary! Imagine someone hacking it, or
stealing information from your account leaves you in distress.
Today, hacking is on roll and all the hackers are navigating
through your information without your consent. It’s extremely
imperative to put a curb on all such activities that leaves your
privacy at bay. Online IDs often say something about the people
behind them, so think twice about what you’re willing to share
with the world.
Play it safe:
Leave out any personal information:
First and last
Phone numbers
Employer or
school name
The names of
family members
Instead, try
IDs with these kinds of words:
Colours —
blueskies123, purplepassion
Animals —
leapinglizard, flyinghorse
Music —
yourguitarhero, drummrfan1
Sports —
soccerchamp, swimrunbike
Games —
vidgamesrule, chessking
Think twice
before posting a photo of yourself as your online display image,
icon, ID, or profile image. Photos can clearly identify people
and even their whereabouts. By changing hairstyles, clothes,
accessories, and backgrounds, you can create your own persona
instead of a real, identifiable photo. This helps you stay more
anonymous. So not everyone can see into your online life.
Remember that you want an online ID and image that are not too
— Courtesy: Yahoo India!