Tales behind the lens
Nat Geo’s Most Amazing Photos profiles photojournalist
Ed Kashi, who captures Pakistan’s Punjab in all its different — and sometimes amazing — hues
are some of the most iconic photographers whose pictures are works of
art — a geologist silhouetted against a wall of flaming lava, a
majestic Kalahari lion braced against the wind, a young Afghani girl
staring boldly at the camera from beneath a tattered shawl. Nat Geo’s
Most Amazing Photos on Tuesday at 10 P.M. profiles photojournalist
Ed Kashi’s photo-take on Pakistan’s Punjab region. The veteran
photographer creates a portrait far from the rigid and militant images
pf Pakistan seen by much of the world. As the country’s most
prosperous and populous state Punjab has had to deal with the scar of
Taliban militancy but that has not suppressed the spirit of the people.
Kashi profiles a Punjab where extremists may be spreading violence and
intolerance but the normal Punjabi remains a hard working and fun-loving
person. From the ancient zeal of a Shiite ceremony where devotion is
reflected through pain, to the trendy ‘Gun Smoke’ restaurant, where
locals speak English and eat burgers, Kashi’s images capture Pakistan
of today in all its different — and sometimes amazing — hues. — NF