Win over your boss
It is important to maintain a cordial working relationship with your boss, says Ragini Gulati

The easiest way to connect with your superior is by doing high-quality work
The easiest way to connect with your superior is by doing high-quality work

Everyone has a boss in the corporate world. From CEO to the junior-most executive, each person reports to someone or the other. More than often bosses are viewed with suspicion and hostility since they hold a great deal of power. However, it is extremely important to develop and maintain a cordial working relationship with one’s boss. Bosses are not only a source of knowledge but also play a critical role in shaping careers and opening windows of opportunities.

Getting along with the boss facilitates a pleasant working environment, making the job easier and enjoyable. Moreover, building a rapport with the boss makes sense since it ensures promotion, bonus and salary adjustments.

A poor relationship with the boss can often lead to difficulty in getting promotion, hard work going unrecognised and mistakes being magnified beyond their actual significance. In fact there are strong chances of disliking one’s job and even quitting.

Making a good impression on the boss is not as difficult as it sounds. The easiest way to connect with the boss is by doing high quality work. When a task is assigned, make sure to do an exceptional and remarkable job. Also, ensure that assignments are completed within the designated time frame.

Give priority to assignments from the boss even if there are several others pending. Ignoring or delaying his assignments will make him feel insulted and unimportant. Let the boss take a call on which task should be done first. It will not only help to channel energies in the right direction but also earn goodwill from him.

Observe and understand the working pattern of the boss. Learn about his communication style and follow the same religiously. By matching the verbal and non-verbal communication pattern of the boss, one can match his thinking pattern.

Take initiative by offering to handle additional responsibilities. Being asked to do something and then getting it done is good but does not show initiative.`A0Make an effort to move past the job description into other areas within the organisation. Suggest solutions to problems, rather than always asking for the answer. It will make the boss realise your go-getter attitude and true potential.

Carry a notepad and pen around, especially when meeting the boss. In addition to making the boss feel important, it will help to avoid missing out points that he wants to be noted.

Update the boss on the latest happenings in the office, be it assignments or events. Avoid keeping him in the dark about unusual circumstances or potential problems. Moreover, keep him in the loop on assignments directly delegated to you. By regularly updating the boss, you will gain his confidence and also become indispensable for him.

Reach office in time everyday, if not early. Punctuality reflects one’s dedication to work, level of enthusiasm and dependability. Since bosses have a way of keeping a watch over everyone at work. They would naturally observe and appreciate it. Also, avoid the habit of always getting late or being absent from work.

Think of new ideas and share these with the boss. Set aside some time every week to brainstorm and come up with fresh ideas to improve business. Ideas that are not cliched yet sensible have the potential of being implemented. However, consider each one carefully before discussing it with the boss. Be prepared to answer questions that the idea might trigger. A well-drafted proposal supported with requisite information would work best.

Badmouthing about the boss should be avoided at all cost. There is always a possibility of what one say’s reaching the boss, one way or the other. Therefore, don't be overly vocal on disagreements with boss and keep criticism to yourself. Always talk on a positive note whilst referring to seniors.

Most importantly, give credit to the boss for his help and guidance. Subsequent to completing a task, send a thank you e-mail or note to him for his "unconditional" support.