Digital showcase of
creative self
A city animation student bags the third position in a global ad film competition, a guitarist tutors many across borders, an accountant connects to thousands of his own kind — all of them bank on one resource — Internet. Mona finds why these five credit the virtual world for their accomplishments

Within reach

Kaiffy, accounts officer with ESYS, Panchkula, poet, painterSuccess of art is not measured in its saleability, but in its ability to reach out to people, touch their hearts. Internet makes it easier to reach people online. All my paintings and poetry, three collections done so far, are just a click away. Internet gives me a global reach. It gives opportunity for personal interaction with people instantly as people can connect through Facebook, Orkut or email. Designing and maintaining my website, all by myself, gives me a greater liberty to display my work in whichever style.

Kaiffy, accounts officer with ESYS, Panchkula, poet, painter


Digvijay Sharma, student cum amateur photographerI have a keen interest in photography. Whatever I have learnt about photography, it’s from youtube. Being online offers immense benefits. I can share all my work instantly using Facebook and Flickr. It gets views as well as reviews. Not only is it easy to maintain one’s portfolio online, just a link connects you to the world. Also, in case my hard drive crashes all my photos are still safe online.

Digvijay Sharma, student cum amateur photographer

Ad-vantage Internet

Sanjay Rai, student cum ad film makerI chanced upon an ad film competition online. In the first attempt at animation, my entry got placed amongst the top ten. Encouraged by a commendation by a jury member, I competed again. The Surf Excel live ad (my brother Sunny Rai is my partner in this) was adjudged amongst the top three by Mofilm. Not only has it boosted my confidence, Internet has opened a whole new world. Sitting right here I am able to gauge global perspective which I think is awesome.

Sanjay Rai, student cum ad film maker

Show stealers

Eshan and Manit, Engineering student, singer, guitarist and e guruIn flat two years of our music career, we have over 3,000 fans on Facebook and above 2,700 subscribers on youtube.

The social media has been our amplifier, a tool to reach out. In 2009, we started providing guitar lessons on youtube.

Today, we daily receive 20-30 requests (across borders as well) on lessons on different tunes or new registrations to his channel.

Internet also got us shows (live and radio gigs), more exposure as well as contacts.

Internet ensures that if you got talent, the entire world’s a stage.

Eshan and Manit, Engineering student, singer, guitarist and e guru


World wide

Poorvi Kautish, student cum singerSinging’s been a passion since childhood. But studies are as important. I want to know about music across the world, and Internet is my connecting point. Not only I am able to figure out the nuances of different genres of music, but also it keeps me abreast of what’s happening.

Youtube is the obvious hit but there are sites that help me track my favourite singers like Ellla Frizgerald.

Poorvi Kautish, student cum singer

When Prospero speaks Urdu…
Students of the Indian Theatre Department are ready with the Hindustani version of The Tempest
Manpriya Khurana

— Photo: S Chandan It’s not easy to translate Shakespeare’s ‘How Art Thou’ dialogues into Hindi or Urdu. “I went over all the translations available in the market. I made it as simple as possible even someone who’s not read The Tempest is able to understand the play,” shares Prof Mahendra Singh, chairperson, Department of Indian Theatre.

Students at the Department of Indian Theatre are set to recreate the magic of Shakespeare’s The Tempest with their upcoming annual production. To begin with the end, when the Prospero is all powerful, he is able to punish everybody, he forgives them. And that’s where the beauty of this play lies. “Shakespeare must have written close to 37 plays and this is considered to be his last play. Generally his plays have a tragic ending, but not this one,” shares Abhishek Sharma, who plays Ferdinand.

The sets recreate the magic of an island and the costumes are as Shakespeare-style as it gets. Shares Abhishek, “In fact, the last scene transports the viewers to an escapist place….We did the sets using newspaper scraps.”

The story is set on a remote island, where Prospero, the exiled Duke of Milan, plots to restore his daughter Miranda to her rightful life. The magician Prospero conjures up a storm, called the Tempest that eventually shakes everything up and sets everything right.

It’s been two and a half months since the students have been struggling to get the act together. He adds, “Some characters have a double casting but as far as the play is concerned we are trying to keep it as original as possible.” Go meet Prospero, Ferdinand, Miranda, Ariel…

To be staged from January 31 at the studio theatre, PU

Item number is new music
Jaspinder Narula talks about item numbers overshadowing melody
Ashima Sehajpal

Jaspinder Narula — Photo: S Chandan To us, it seems like a self-imposed exile. To her, it’s just being relaxed and satisfied with life. Jaspinder Narula lives with no regrets, she is happy, content and doesn’t mind getting less work. “To me success is when people recognize me as the singer who gave the hit number, Pyar To Hona Hi Tha.

I don’t approach people in the industry for work, if it comes my way then I readily accept it,” shares Jaspinder in a chance meeting with us at hotel Mountview. She adds that the music industry hasn’t changed a bit in all these years. “There might be a dozen reality shows but then how many singers have made it to the ‘elite singers club of Bollywood.’ It takes a lot to enter the mainstream. Moviemakers to avoid risk ask the same set of singers to sing for films years after years. Justice is not being done to the amount of talent our country has.”

Jaspinder is one of the jury members of Indian Music Awards, other being Kuldeep Singh and Jagjit Singh. “The idea is to appreciate talent and to encourage more people to become the part of the industry. We want to raise the bar of music.” She relents that the quality of music is being compromised with. “The recent items numbers becoming a hit means that music is no more about melody but about what you see on screen. But I hope that the situation will get better.

What keeping her busy is singing tracks for Punjabi cinema. She will be next heard in Ek Noor. She’s open to judge a reality show only if she has the freedom to talk straight. “Only if I am given the liberty to call a spade a spade, I will go ahead with any reality show. I can’t praise a contestant if he or she hasn’t done justice to the music. Music to me is life.” And if such a reality show doesn’t come her way, then she is happy the way she is, content and at ease.

An English adaptation of Shakespeare
Manpriya Khurana

Large scale or small, theatre has always been parallel. A medium associated more with issues rather than entertainment, a medium considered a second cousin of the Industry. Nevertheless, we’ve come a long way. “Theatre is a process, it keeps evolving. There was a time when Rs One Lakh for a production was considered wow. Now even something like Rs Two Crores is routine. Who knows the future?,” Virat Husain, who plays Tia Oberon, shrugs over the future of the medium. It could be big, it could be small, as of now it’s evolving.

Before the staging of the play, it’s a random sharing of ideas with Delhi theatre personalities, Aamir Raza Husain and Virat Husain. In city with their production

Move Over. The play, an initiative alongwith Aircel, is a modern day version of Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream. The couples instead of meeting in a forest do so in a modern flat in London. The Puck plays its part and what follow is complications and deceptions. The play, underscores the intricacies and complexities that are an indispensable part of modern day lifestyle.

Back to the theatre, and the transformation, however, has not been an upscale ride all the way. She reflects, “There was a time when there were only one or two theatre groups. Now there are so many who are doing it because it’s in to be doing theatre…but there is no quality and the audience is subjected to so much of trash.”

The flipside doesn’t end there. Adds Aamir Raza Husain, “Unlike in abroad, where the creative guys are left to handle the creativity…here the problem is, people who are supposed to be doing theatre are rather just running around dealing with hassles like the tax clearance, administration issues…” Bureaucratic hurdles notwithstanding, he sees a bright future. “Theatre is going to be an industry…If not as big, it’s going to be at least as powerful as the film industry.”

For the duo, known for their elaborate sets and productions, not having to deal with sponsor troubles works the other way round. Shares Virat, “It’s a challenge to better your own production each time. More funds mean, more expectations. So finance is always a problem, whether you have them, whether you don’t.”

When it comes to hitting the gym, there is no tomorrow
Vikram Kapoor

How many times have you said "Oh, I'm too busy... I'll get started on my weight loss plan tomorrow", or "I'll just wait until after the holidays to start working out and getting in better shape"?

Working as a fitness professional, I hear people everyday say that they want to improve their shape, lose weight, build muscles, get stronger, want a slimmer belly. Can you guess what happens when I tell them, "Well, if you really want it that bad, then why don't you start immediately, why not start working out and eating only healthy diet". Well, what usually happens is, they say that they'll wait until next month because they're "too busy" right now. Come on... Give me a break! It's nothing but a lame excuse. It becomes an endless cycle of excuses and procrastination for getting your butt in shape. Once next month comes, there's another excuse ready... work has been too busy, or you're just too busy working on the house and so on.

Do you really think that all of the people walking around out there in great shape with their kick-ass bodies are any less busy than you? Chances are, they might be just as busy as you, yet they find the time to keep themselves healthy and in great shape.

The bottom line is that if you really want it, you'll find time. It's all about priorities and getting in the right mindset. If you are one of those people who are always using excuses as to why you don't have time to eat right or workout, then I have bad news for you. You will never be able to get in good shape for the rest of your life. You are going to continue struggle with your fitness forever.

Sorry to be so in your face, but sometimes we all just need a wake up call. I'll even admit that although I've got my fitness pretty well handled, I've needed these wake up calls in other areas of my life where I was struggling.

(The writer is a personal trainer and a fitness consultant with Bodyzone fitness n spa.)

Want to live longer? Get married

If you are in a committed relationship, it's better to get married soon, as scientists say entering the wed-lock keeps men fit and boosts women's mental health. Researchers at the Cardiff University in the UK found that committed couples live longer than singletons, with the health benefits of companionship increasing over time.

According to their findings, married men are kept physically fit because their wives ensure they lead a healthy lifestyle, while women's emotional health benefits because they value being in a relationship.

Study authors David Gallacher and John Gallacher of the Cardiff University's School of Medicine, said: "Love is a voyage of discovery from dopamine drenched romance to oxytocin induced attachment.

"Making this journey can be fraught with hazards and lead many to question the value of romance and commitment." Marriage is thought to provide huge benefits, because it involves "deeper commitment" than merely living together. And the longer the relationships are, the greater the benefits they receive, the authors said. They said: "In terms of physical health, men benefit more from being in a relationship than women, but in terms of mental health women benefit more than men.

"The physical health premium for men is likely to be caused by their partner's positive influence on lifestyle. The mental health bonus for women may be due to a greater emphasis on the importance of the relationship in women." Meanwhile having lots of sexual partners can shorten lifespan and divorce can have a devastating impact, warned the authors. They also cited evidence that romances among teenagers are linked to "increased depressive symptoms", while relationships among young adults do not improve physical health.

"So it seems that a degree of maturity is required before Cupid is likely to bring a net health benefit," they said. The optimal time for women to establish a committed relationship in terms of health is said to be between 19 and 25, whereas for men it is after 25.

However, they conceded that "not all relationships are beneficial", and it is better to be single than in a strained relationship. Splitting up is distressing but less so for women, because they have more "supportive social networks".

However, the authors concluded: "Although failure of a relationship can harm health, that is an argument for avoiding a bad relationship rather than not getting into a relationship at all." The new study is published in the journal Student BMJ. — PTI

Pt Chaurasia & more...
SD Sharma

City art lovers, especially students at various educational institutions, will be treated to a two-week feast of classical music, dance, Sufiana from January 31 to February 13.

Courtesy, the Society for Promotion of Indian Classical Music and Culture Amongst Youth (SPIC-MACAY).

In association with the Indian Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR), Spic-Macay will be featuring the following eminent maestros under Heritage-2011.



Schedule for the events

January 31: Pt Vishwa Mohan Bhatt (Mohan Veena) at IMTECH Auditorium-39

February 1: Pt Hari Prasad Chaurasia (flute) at IMTECH Auditorium-39

February 2: Pt Debu Chaudhary (sitar) at C.S.I.O Auditorium-30

February 3: Saskia Rao de Hass (cello) at AKSIP School-41  

February 4: Shashank Subramniam (carnatic rute) at IMTECH Auditorium-39

and slide show and lecture at the Government Museum and Art Gallery-10.

February 5: Dr Rama Vaidyanathan (bharatnatyam) at Shivalik Public School,

February 6: Sarwar Hussain (sarangi) at Navodaya Vidyalaya-25

February 7: Rani Khanam (kathak) at Delhi Public School-40 

and Qadir Niazi   (Qawalli) at Evening Studies Punjab University 

February8: Dr Ashwani Bhide Deshpande (Hindustani vocal) at Bal Bhawan –23

February 9: Dr Ashwani Bhide Deshpande (vocal) at Kendriya Vidyalaya-31

February 10: Kapila Venu (kooditattom dance) at St Stephen’s School-45

February 11: Kapila Venu (workshop) at Guru Nanak Public School –36

February 12: Dr Madan Gopal Singh (Sufi) at PEC Auditorium-12

February 13: Nature Walk for foreign students at Leisure Valley-10

So much for a date!

Sachin Rishi — Photo: Pradeep Tewari What not he had to do to impress the mother of the girl! Sachin Rishi lifted a bicycle in the parking of Sector-17 market, even lifted a bike when the girl’s mother asked him to. If that was not enough, he dragged an SUV and then pulled a truck too. But all in vain.

For, the girl he tried to impress for the reality show Date The Folks chose another guy. “She wasn’t even pretty. If I had an idea that the girl was plump and just average, I wouldn’t have even lifted a bicycle to begin with,” says Sachin.

A Punjab University student and an aspiring model, he was the first choice of the girl’s mother. “Her mother liked me because I am a teetotaler and have moral values. But she wanted a guy who gave two hoots to the Indian value system and the other contestant was just that.”

He feels sorry for the girl for not choosing him. “It’s her loss. I am sure the other boy would show his true colours in the next few days.” About shooting with VJ Andy, he says, “He’s fun to work with and makes the show very interesting.”

Besides fetching high TRPs for the reality shows, he’s also trying his hands in Punjabi cinema and music industry. “I played Jimmy Shergill’s friend in Dharti. Also, I’ll be seen in Gippy Grewal’s next music album,” he says.—Ashima Sehajpal

Haiku for a babu

The birth of Haikus, a form of poetry dates back to the sixteenth century but it became famous after the Second World War. Telling more about the genre, Vijai Vardhan, who has written and complied 55 Haikus in his book, Beyond The Great Beyond says, “The word limit in this poetry form does not exceed 19 words.

A poem is completed in three to four lines.” A stricter word limit makes it difficult for a poet to express himself, “When you don’t have the freedom with language, it gets challenging to send across the message to the reader.”

Vijai has written Sufi Haikus, in which he has celebrated mankind’s relationship with God. “That’s what Sufi poetry is known for. It denotes human beings intense longing for the love of God.” A few Haikus are completed in less than fifteen words. “This form of poetry doesn’t abide by rhyme and flow of words. The beauty of the poetry is that a lot is expressed in a few words and sufi adds to it.” The book was released on Friday.  — TNS

Goa’s food and lifestyle festival kicks off

Fusion cuisine, exotic desserts, live entertainment acts, fashion shows, cheese and wine tasting sessions, music and dance …Grape Escapade, Goa’s food and lifestyle event kicks off along the banks of the river Mandovi in the capital Panjim.

Goa Tourism Development Corporation (GTDC) in association with Department of Tourism is organizing the seventh edition of the Grape Escapade, a four day food and lifestyle festival at the Inox courtyard in the capital city.

 Grape Escapade encapsulates the joy and exuberance of Goa The festival which expects to draw in over 20,000 visitors brings together international wine makers and connoisseurs, entertainers, foodies, professionals from the hospitality and lifestyle industry as well as food and wine enthusiasts. Indulge in some old world style grape stomping at the festival. Guests can get barefoot into tubs full of grapes for some gleeful stomping and crushing accompanied by live music. —TNS

Jimena bitten by B-bug

Jimena Navarrette This may be her maiden visit to India but reigning Miss Universe Jimena Navarrette has already met Salman Khan and is keen to do a Bollywood film. The 22-year Mexican beauty finds Indian actors very handsome.

"Till now I haven't been offered any roles but would love to work in Hindi films. I have seen Indian actors, they all are very handsome. I don't know much Hindi and can only say Namaste but I am willing to learn it," Navarrette said.

Navarrette, who is the fifth Miss Universe to be roped in by international fashion designer Sanjana Jon to create awareness to about the cause of the girl child, is not only smitten by Bollywood, but Indian food as well. "This is my first visit to India and it is a beautiful country. It has a rich cultural heritage and shares similarity with Mexico as far as spicy food is concerned. I feel at home here," she said.

The second Mexican Miss Universe ever, Navarrete who is the global ambassador to promote awareness about HIV has dedicated her 10-day-tour Indian tour to raise awareness about female foeticide.

"I am privileged to have the opportunity to raise awareness for the girl child. I believe as Miss Universe, I have the responsibility to awaken society to injustices and make a difference. If girls are being wiped out then the future of the world is totally bleak," she said.

The tour will kickstart next week at the Delhi University."We will be doing a 10 km marathon with the university students as they represent today's youth and can act as a driving force for the ause," Navarrette said. — PTI

The Award goes to…

My Name is Khan Bollywood stars Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol bagged the best actor and actress trophy for their performances in My Name is Khan at the 56th Filmfare Awards.Karan Johar was adjudged the best director for My Name is Khan, while Salman Khan-starrer Dabangg was chosen the best film at the award function held here last night.Kareena Kapoor received the best supporting actress award for her work in We are Family, while her uncle Rishi Kapoor bagged the best actor critics award for his performance in Do Dooni Char.Ronit Roy received the best supporting actor trophy for Udaan. Vidya Balan bagged the best actress critics award for Ishqiya.

DabanggSajid Wajid walked away with the best music composer honour for Dabangg'. Farah Khan was adjudged the best choreographer for Sheila Ki Jawani (Tees Maar Khan). Best background score award went to Amit Trivedi for Udaan.Veteran Gulzar received the Best Lyricist award for his song Ibn-e-Batuta from Ishiqya.Best debut awards went to Sonakshi Sinha (Dabangg), Ranveer Singh (Band Baja Baraat) and director Maneesh Sharma for Bang Baja Baraat. Megastar Amitabh Bachchan flew down from Bhopal to receive a special award for his 40 years in the film industry.Bachchan is shooting for Arakshan with Deepika Padukone and Saif Ali Khan in the MP capital.While Madhuri Dixit, who performed live with Shah Rukh for the first time, received a special award for her 25 years in the film industry, veteran singer Manna Dey was honoured with the Lifetime Achievement Award. — PTI

Pregnant pause
Kate Hudson tried to keep pregnancy a secret

Hollywood actress Kate Hudson wanted to keep her pregnancy news under wraps, but landed up sparking health concerns among her closest friends. "I'm pregnant, and I'm really sick. But I couldn't say that because you really want to keep it as quiet as you can for the first trimester," said the blonde beauty.

The 31-year-old actor who is expecting her second child with rocker boyfriend Matthew Bellamy, admitted that she tried hard to keep the good news a secret till she passed her first trimester.

But her friends started thinking that the Bride Wars' star was ill.

"My friends all thought I was depressed because I wouldn't leave the house. But I didn't want anyone to know for a long time. I was just hoping that all of a sudden, I could show up somewhere with a big belly.

"But, of course, you're somewhere in LA and somebody says something, and it ends up somewhere," said Hudson.

She admits that being pregnant also means enduring morning sickness. While waiting for the due date of her baby, which she says is in the summer, Hudson cited the 'pregnancy brain' saying, "I babble a lot. I forget words, and how to put sentences together. I just give up." — PTI

Susan is not GLEEful

Susan Sarandon Hollywood actor Susan Sarandon was disappointed when she wasn't included in the Glee episode, which paid tribute to 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show'.The cult 1975 movie became the focus of a recent instalment of the hit TV musical, with the cast re-enacting the songs and dance moves from the film that helped launch Sarandon's career.

The 'Stepmom' star was rumoured to have been offered a cameo appearance in the tribute episode, but she insisted Glee bosses never approached her. "What I saw I thought was so fabulous. I thought it was so moving... They (people) kept asking if I was going to be on the episode... (But) nobody spoke to me about doing anything on the show," said Sarandon. — PTI

Johnny Depp buys 'palazzo' in Venice

Johny Depp Hollywood superstar Johnny Depp has bought a USD 14 million palazzo in Venice after falling in love with the city while shooting his film The Tourist there. The 47-year-old actor admitted that he loved walking across the alleys in the City of Bridges late at night.

"My experience of Venice really happened between 10pm and 2am when the streets closed and I was able to walk around and experience the poetry of Venice, the ghosts of Venice, all those wonderful dark alleys.

"For an actor being able to film within the confines of that magical city certainly helps. The city's magic shone through completely," said the actor.

The Pirates of the Caribbean star outbid an Arab prince for the 17th century Palazzo Dona Sangiantoffetti which overlooks the Grand Canal, reported Daily Mail.

The Palazzo will be the holiday home for the actor and his family which includes his French singer-actress partner Vanessa Paradis and their two children Lily-Rose, 11, and Jack, eight. — PTI

Robert Downey Jr turns to crystal healing

Robert Downey Jr Hollywood heartthrob Robert Downey Jr. has turned to crystal healing to repel the negative forces around him. The 45-year-old actor, who battled drug addiction since the age of eight has employed a man to carry crystals around him to help "repent his soul" for the damage he did to his body when he was hooked to heroin and cocaine, Femalefirst reported.

"This guy dressed all in white has been following Robert around with a briefcase ever since filming began. After a couple of weeks, one of the crew members thought it was a bit weird and asked him what he was doing," a source said.

"He explained the briefcase contained a set of crystals, which apparently channel good energy from a pyramid in Los Angeles. Robert demands they go everywhere with him to help repent his soul for all the damage he did to his body when he was on drugs," the source added.

The Iron Man star, who stars opposite Jude Law and Rachel McAdams in Sherlock Holmes 2 was previously jailed for three years in 1999 for possession of drugs and a handgun.

The actor has been sober since 2001 but claimed that he wasn't changed by prison.

"I do think there's something divine about large-scale humiliation, but no, it never worked for me. It never produced enough of a blow back for me to catch the drift. It doesn't so much produce results as just get your attention, you become a fish in a barrel and there's really something quite beautiful about that," Downey said.

"Jail didn't help me any more or less than anything else. But I know I created that experience for a reason, and I'm only just starting to understand those reasons. Remember this is California, 'Come on vacation, leave on probation.' I mean, I can't believe I stayed out of the pen for as long as I did," he added. — PTI

Salman's Being Human watches available online

Bollywood heartthrob Salman Khan, who recently launched luxury watches named after his Being Human charitable foundation, has now inaugurated an exclusive online store to sell them.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you that now Being Human watches are on sale online -," Salman posted on Twitter.

Apart from luxuay watches, his foundation also churns out t-shirts which will also be soon available online.

"Ya ya for sure, Being Human T-shirts are also going to be online soon," he posted. — IANS

Problem area
Here are some common problems and their remedies
Shahnaz Husain


Shahnaz HusainCellulite is not a disease or a disorder, but it can make a difference to one’s figure and cause a great deal of concern. It is a common problem of “lumps” that generally appear on the thighs, hips, buttocks, upper arms and even the upper back. Another term for cellulite is “orange peel skin”, because the skin on these areas resembles an orange peel. The problem of cellulite is more common in women.

What is it?

Cellulite is caused by deposits of water, fat and other wastes that collect in pockets beneath the skin. The slowing down of the body’s waste removal process is thought to be responsible for the condition. In other words, there is a relationship between body toxicity and cellulite. The hardening of connective tissue is also involved, as this leads to the imprisonment of wastes, in lumps under the skin. Sluggish digestion, constipation, poor liver functioning, poor blood circulation, mental tension, chronic fatigue, insomnia and a sedentary lifestyle are some causative factors. In fact, one or more of these can undermine the normal functions of waste removal carried out by the kidneys, intestines, skin and lymphatic system.  

How to get rid of it

The lymphatic system helps the body to get rid of toxic, metabolic and cellular wastes. The normal contraction and relaxation of muscles helps the system by providing necessary pumping for lymphatic circulation and drainage. Massage is an important part of the treatment, along with “skin brushing”. It is best to massage the area with cellulite when the muscles are relaxed. Long stroking movements, are used for stimulating blood and lymphatic flow. The area with cellulite is squeezed and kneaded, ending with the stroking movements again. A combination of oils of margosa (neem), winter cherry (ashwagandha) and sandalwood has been used, mixed with carrier oils of almond, olive and sesame seed, for treating cellulite.  

Skin “brushing” helps the elimination of toxins. The entire surface, excluding the face, should be brushed, using a rough cloth, or a natural bristle brush. Begin from the feet and go upwards. Then brush from lower to upper arms. Go across the shoulders and back. Brush gently on the chest and abdomen. 

Cellulite can be a stubborn condition and will not disappear overnight. A permanent change in diet and lifestyle is essential. A nutritious diet, regular exercise, relaxation and deep breathing also help to free those trapped wastes and drain them from the system. 

Cracked heels & callouses on palms

Cracked heels are due to habitual lack of moisture. The skin on the heels is harder and thicker than other parts of the body. Loss of moisture causes keratinisation, where living cells change to dead horny cells. If the lack of moisture proceeds unchecked, cracks develop. Sometimes, they can even be painful. Chlorinated or hard water can also cause dryness. Callouses form due to thickening of skin, caused by friction, usually over a bony area. It is a protective response of the skin.

How to get rid of it

Avoid using metal instruments or scrubbers on cracked heels and callouses. For cracked heels, add coarse salt to hot water and soak the feet at night for 20 minutes. With a pumice stone or a heel scrubber, rub the heels gently. Wash the feet and apply cream, massaging it into the skin. Then apply cream lavishly and tie clean cloth or surgical gauze around the feet, like a bandage. Wear cotton socks and go to sleep. Do this daily for a week. If there is any pain or bleeding from cracks, consult a doctor.  

For palm callouses, soak hands in warm water, after adding some Epsom salts. This helps to soften corns. You can also soak hands in diluted chamomile tea. You can also rub the callous gently with a pumice stone and then apply a softening cream. Or, you can ask your doctor for an antiseptic ointment. Dr Suzanne Levine, a podiatrist, suggests crushing aspirin tablets and making a paste with water and lemon juice. Apply on the callous and then place a warm moist towel over it. Keep it on for ten minutes. Needless to say, in case of pain, consult a doctor.

If you have these problems, put your foot down with a firm hand and give them regular care!

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