Ulta Pulta
No life without file
Jaspal Bhatti

WHICH is more important — files, public or ministers? No one from the public can benefit unless their file moves up or down the corridors of powers. Many a time we hear people talking with great hope, "A road is going to come up in our village next year. The file for its approval has gone to the PWD minister." We have to face the fact that there’s no life without a file. A minister deprived of files is like a tiger without jaws and paws.

Railway Minister Mamata Bannerjee, instead of attending her office in Delhi, prefers to get her files carried all the way to Kolkata for clearance. She is facing a lot of criticism as her move costs the exchequer more than Rs 11 lakh a year. I think she should be lauded because she is giving due respect to her files. Rather, she should ensure that the files be taken to Kolkata in first class AC compartment under heavy security.

One of Mamata’s staunchest critics yelled at the top of his voice, "Why doesn’t she herself travel first class, come to her office in Delhi and clear the files?" The other person said, "What difference does it make if the files travel to Mamata didi or she travels to files?" The critic replied, "With so many rail accidents happening, God forbid, if something happens to the files."