Lucky day

IT was a hot day and an older man was fishing from the bank of the local stream and looked weary and very tired. A stranger stopped by and asked, "Any luck mister?" "Can’t complain," said the older man.

"Why don’t you have a break for a while? Come down to the pub and have a refreshing drink with me," suggested the stranger.

They made their way to the nearby hotel and the stranger bought the old man a tall, cold drink. "Tell me something. How many have you really caught today?" asked the stranger.

"You’re the fifth," said the older man with a grin.

Good job

A well-known heart surgeon visited a mechanic to get his car repaired.

While checking the car, the mechanic asked the doctor, "Look at this engine. I open its heart, take valves out, fix them, put them back in, and when I finish, it works just like new. So how come I get such a small salary and you get the really big bucks, when you and I are doing basically the same work?"

The surgeon paused, smiled and leaned over, and whispered to the mechanic: "Try doing it with the engine running."

Chasing the chickens

The farmer met his kin at the railroad station. "Uncle, I’m mighty glad to see you, he greeted.

"That crate of chickens you sent me burst open just as I was going to take them out and they ran all over the place. I chased them through my neighbour’s yard and only got back 11."

"You did okay," said uncle. "I only sent you six."

Movie reality

A tribal farmer watching a Tarzan movie rushed out of the hall the moment a tiger appeared on screen, advancing menacingly towards the audience.

The gatekeeper trying to stop him argued that it’s only a movie, to which the tribal replied: "I know it’s a movie, you also know it is, but does the tiger know"?

Not well

It was the middle of the night. Suddenly there was a loud rapping on the doctor’s door, followed by a groan. The doctor angrily thrust his head out of the window. "WELL?" he shouted.

"No," moaned the man. "Sick."

— Compiled by Sunil Sharma