Ulta Pulta
Secret service
Jaspal Bhatti

OUR family friend Mittal sahib looked quite perturbed. I asked him, "What is it that is weighing you down?’ He replied, "Our four-year-old daughter tells everything out to our neighbours." I said, "Why are you worried. One day she will grow into a very efficient foreign diplomat."

No child ever says that one day he or she will become a great mole. In fact, there is no formal training to become an expert informer. Some people from an early age have low resistance to keep anything to themselves. They become seriously ill if they are forced to hold back things.

Another category of people, mostly found in the government offices, are those who will guard any information until proper price is paid to them for letting go of it. Anyone from this babu category has the potential to be become an international informer but one should have a natural talent to sell classified information.

Madhuri Gupta, a junior diplomat who was arrested for allegedly passing on the secret information to a Pakistani intelligence agency, maintained that she was innocent. May be she means that she was innocently in love with the Pakistani ISI officer Rana. You never know Madhuri may get some medal for patriotism if she is able to prove that all information she supplied to Pakistani officer was bogus and misleading.

Someone once asked Santa Singh, "Are you a cop?" "No", he replied. "I am a secret agent." "Then why are wearing a police uniform?" You are not supposed to be seen around in uniform to hide your identity, I guess," the fellow said again. "I am on leave today," Santa replied.