THE deal comes from the USA, so North’s 1NT shows 15-17 points and South’s transfer sequence promises 5-5 in the majors (with 5-4 they start with (Stayman). How will you play 6H when West leads the jack of clubs? You win with dummy’s ace and cash the ace and queen of diamonds, throwing your club loser. Suppose you play the king and ace of trumps next. The 4-1 trump break will come to light. You cannot afford to draw all the trumps before playing on spades because East will win the first spade (leaving the suit blocked) and force your last trump with a diamond. If instead you play on spades while West still holds two trumps, East will win the second spade and give his partner a spade ruff with the 8 ahead of dummy’s 7. Instead you must cash just the king of trumps and play on spades. If East win the first spade and forces you with a diamond, you can cash dummy’s other spade and draw trumps. If instead East wins the second spade and plays a third spade, the ace of trumps remains in dummy to overruff West. Your contract is secure. What will you rebid on the West cards? Answer Awards: 4S-10, 4D/3D-5, 3S-3. David Bird —
Knight Features