NORTH’s 4H may look like an overbid but he has three good cards and a valuable side-suit singleton. South would surely have passed a raise to 3H and a reasonable game would have been missed. How would you play 4H when West leads the jack of trumps? Declarer decided to make use of dummy’s diamonds. After winning the trump lead, he played the ace-king of diamonds and ruffed a diamond with a low trump. Even though West did not know that his J-10 of trumps were worth a trick, it was clear to him that he should not overruff. By doing so, he would make the contract very easy. Declarer would be able to draw trumps in two rounds and enter dummy with a club ruff to ruff a long diamond good. West therefore discarded a club on the trick. Declarer led the club jack to East’s king and won the trump return. He ruffed a club with dummy’s last trump and then led a fourth round of diamonds, ruffed low. West could do nothing. If he overruffed and played a club, declarer would ruff and draw trumps. He could then enter dummy with the spade king to enjoy the established diamond. If instead West refused to overruff, declarer would draw two rounds of trumps, cross to dummy and again take a discard on the long diamond. What will you say on the West cards? Answer Awards: Pass — 10, 2S — 7, 2H — 4, 2NT/2D — 2. David Bird —
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