Karuna Goswamy


1. Famous cricketing ground in S. Africa

6. Contentedly confident of superiority

8. Site of famous college in England

11. Poverty-stricken; destitute

12. Young boy

13. The animal with nine lives

14. "The Good_______" by Pearl Buck

17. Track for horse racing

19. Long, deep period of time

21. Excessively talkative


2. Objective; goal

3. Chief executive, formerly, of Venice

4. Straight stalk of a tall grass

5. "__ Grande", river in central Nicaragua

6. Divide or separate

7. Below

9. Ancient Greek Goddess of fortune

10. ___ Bose, great film-maker

15. From or to a distance

16. Hindmost part of an animal

18. The coalition that governs India at the Centre at present (inits.)

20. African organisation for co-ordination among nations (inits.)