Karuna Goswamy


1. Idly talk or chat
5. Sports complex town in Haryana
7. The ‘I’ or self of a person
8. Rising waters in the oceans
10. Adult male deer
13. Long-billed game bird
14. Small body of standing water
16. Another name of Shiva
18. Top card
20. Also not
21. Colouring matter


1. Large island belonging to Denmark
2. Raj Kapoor’s first directorial film
3. Ecosystem comprising the entire earth
4. Pakistan’s secret service (inits.)
6. What so bothered the princess in the story
8. Strike lightly but audibly
9. Decoration awarded for great service in action (inits.)
11. The cup that cheers
12. India’s golden tourist destination
15. Metal bearing mineral or rock
17. Alcohol distilled from molasses
19. Artfully shy