Respecting his partner’s weak two, West leads the nine of spades against your contract of 3NT. How will you play? At the table, declarer committed a fatal mistake within two seconds of the dummy appearing. ‘Small, please,’ he said. East won with the spade king and decided that there was no future in continuing spades. He switched to the two of clubs, covered by the queen and king. West returned the ten of clubs and East defended well by playing low, maintaining communication with his partner. The contract was doomed, whether or not declarer won this round of clubs. Even though the diamond queen was onside, and the diamonds could be brought in for the loss of just one trick, the defenders would score three clubs, one spade and the ace of diamonds. What was declarer’s mistake? he played to the first trick without stopping to make a plan! As soon as you pause to think, it is clear that you cannot afford East to win the sapde lead and switch to clubs. To prevent this, you should rise with the ace of spades. You then cross to the jack of hearts and lead the jack of diamonds, planning to run the card. With the diamond queen onside, you will soon score five diamonds, three hearts and the spade ace. What will you say now on the West cards? Answer Awards: 3NT — 10, 3H — 7, 5D — 5, 4D —, 4, Pass-2. David Bird — Knight Features