Vortex of relationships
Priyanka Singh
We are not in Pakistan
By Shauna Singh Baldwin.
Rupa. Pages 266. Rs 295.

HE book is a collection of 10 short stories inspired by human values and frailties. Some expose latent fears, mistrust and prejudice, while the others underscore and repose faith, nudging the conscious emergence of truth, belief and acceptance.

Books received: HINDI

Examining grassroots democracy
M. Rajivlochan
Functioning of Panchayati Raj Institutions: Status, Issues and Options
By P. P. Balan, Kesar Singh, B. K. Pattanaik and Sukhvinder Singh.
CRRID, Chandigarh.
Pages 406. Rs 600.
THE government wanted a status report on the working of the Panchayati raj system in five states, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Manipur, Punjab and Uttarakhand.

Life in a metro
Madhusree Chatterjee
ER new book spotlights the high life of Delhi "that is still trying to come to terms with Western values". Writer Ira Trivedi says The Great Indian Love Story is based on what she has seen in today’s India.

Man of many mysteries
Boyd Tonkin finds few sensations in The Lost Symbol, but signs of a more sceptical, self-conscious writer in Dan Brown
O one knows much about what the unfathomable Dan Brown thinks. Sometimes, I suspect, the world’s best-selling writer of adult fiction must have sleepless nights in which he feels a little like the aghast book editors at the close of Umberto Eco’s novel Foucault’s Pendulum.

Fragile present, fractured past
Shalini Rawat
A Bridge to Nowhere
By Mona Verma.
Pages 177. Rs 225.
WHEN it comes to hurting each other, humans are a very self-absorbed lot. We focus on our hurts, real or imagined, nurse our grouses, lick our wounds and struggle to walk on the shorter shortcut that we have chosen for ourselves.

Quest for happiness
Harbir K. Singh
The Fine Print of Life
By P. S. Wasu.
Pages 177. Rs 195.
THE book throws light on man’s quest for happiness and wisdom. The story unfolds through the main protagonist Panna Lal. As a small boy, Panna Lal used to play in a beautiful garden with all the other children in his neighbourhood.

Challenges Asian giants face
D. S. Cheema
Economic Reforms in India and China: Emerging Issues and Challenges
Ed. B.Sudhakara Reddy.
Sage Publications.
Pages 413. Rs 850.
THE economic profile of India and China has generated a lot of interest since they are two of the top ten fastest-growing economies of the world. Though these two Asian giants have very different social, cultural and political context, there are many similarities in their approach.

Death be not proud
Alex Dobuzinskis
CTOR Patrick Swayze made peace with the notion of dying from pancreatic cancer after initially finding his diagnosis a "cruel joke", according to a memoir to be published later this month.

Pitching for native literature
Randeep Wadehra
By Balchandra Nemade. India Institute of Advanced Studies.
Pages 179. Rs 360.

  • The Gentle Art of Getting your Own Way
    By Patrick Forsyth.
    Pages 160. Rs 195.