There were times when NRIs used get the warmest of welcomes on coming home. Relatives, friends and government officials from different states jostled to receive them. But the swine flu seems to have taken the shine off their grand entries. Earlier people boasted about their relatives coming from the USA, "Pata hai hamari aunty amrika se aayee hai (You know, my aunt has come from America). She has brought a video camera for us". Now people are scared when they receive news of someone coming from America. "Oh my gosh! Aunt is coming! I hope she doesn’t bring the swine flu for us." Sometimes we are attacked by the bird flu, sometimes the mad cow disease creates scare and if nothing else then mosquitoes play havoc, bringing in dengue. Almost every time we blame animals for such diseases. I was just pondering if we may be also responsible for some kind of diseases among animals. A horse might complain, "My master doesn’t take bath and keeps himself clean. He has infected me with a very bad itch." You never know your pet dog might be grumbling silently to itself, "I seem to have got the human flu and bad throat infection from my master. I cannot even enjoy barking." A man was sent some money by his brother from the US. For many days he didn’t go to the bank to withdraw money. Finally, one day he plucked courage, withdrew the money and right away took the dollars to a hospital. ‘Doctor, could you check them if they are free from H1N1 infection?’