Bridge WHAT is the best opening bid on the South cards? Even if you play strong Acol two-bids, you cannot really open 2S because that will force the bidding to 3S, however weak partner is. The best opening is 2NT, despite the five-card major. Many partnerships at duplicate play ‘Five-card Stayman’, where a 3C response asks for a five-card major. If the opener denies one, by bidding 3D, there is still space to find a 4-4 major fit. How would you play the spade game when West leads the jack of diamonds? Suppose you win and play the ace, king and queen of trumps. The defenders can then beat you, by ducking the queen of clubs. When you cash your other top diamond and play a second round of clubs, they will take the ace and king and East will exit with the jack of hearts, leaving you with no way home. Instead, you should draw trumps with the king, queen and jack. Now the trump ace is left as an entry to dummy. If East wins the first or second round of clubs with the king and plays the jack of hearts, you will rise with the ace and lead another club. Your remaining Q-5 of hearts will be safe from attack when West (the safe hand) wins the second or third round of clubs with the ace. If the defenders avoid giving you a second heart trick themselves, you can cross to the trump ace and throw a heart on the long club. Partner’s 1NT overcall shows 15-18 points.
What will you say on the West cards?
You have enough for a game try but would like to show the five-card heart suit. It makes good sense to use exactly the same bidding methods facing a 1 NT overcall as you do opposite a 1NT opening. If you normally play transfer responses to a 1NT opening, do the same here. Bid 2 D, showing five hearts, and continue with 2NT to invite game and to ask partner to choose the final contract.
AWARDS: 2D (transfer) — 10, 2NT-7, 3 NT — 6, 3H/2H (natural) — 4, pass — 3.
David Bird — Knight Features