ulta pulta

Batting for cricket
Jaspal Bhatti

Security is the most important thing. Laxness of any kind shouldn’t be tolerated," said my nephew Simar without elaborating. I said, "Are you talking about the security of the candidates or voters?"

"Not voters, Mamu, I am concerned about the cricketers," he said. "Providing tight security simultaneously for elections and IPL is not an easy task, they shouldn’t have postponed IPL," I agreed. "But why postpone the IPL? They could have delayed the elections," protested Simar. I tried to convince him that elections are much more important for our country than cricket. I said we were going to elect a government for five years on which the future of India would depend.

But Simar was adamant, "People have stopped expecting much from the governments. Let’s compare the entertainment value of the elections with that of the cricket. Dhoni and Yuvraj definitely have more glamour attached to them than Advani or Chidambaram," he commented.

I tried once again, "Keeping in mind the terrorist attack on the Sri Lankan cricket team what do you think we should do to provide security for the cricket team in India?"

"We should raise CSF, a wing of paramilitary forces like BSF and NSG," recommended Simar.

"What does CSF stand for?" I asked.

"Cricket Security Forces. It will check all kinds of internal and external attacks," pat came the reply.

Surprised, I asked, "What do you mean by internal attack?"

Said Simar, "For example Bhajji attacking Sreesanth."