Preserving the legacy
Parbina Rashid

The city's past, stored in form of manuscripts, original sketches, lithographs and photographs, get digitalised

Team Work: Digitalisation work at progress. Photo by Vinay Malik

A direct link between Indus Valley Civilization and City Beautiful! When we heard it for the first time from a museum expert, it all sounded a little too far-fetched. But as similarities were drawn and blueprints of Chandigarh by great architects like Maththew Nowicki, Mayer and Le Corbusier laid out to prove the point, we began to see those similarities too - grid system which existed in Indus settlements are an integral part of the city. So is the concept of open spaces and drainage system. Even the Open Hand symbol, which we had earlier thought to be Corbusier's exclusive trademark turned out to be Indus civilizations' contribution. "Even today if you visit our villages you will find coloured imprints of the open hand on the walls of many dwellings," P. C. Sharma who is the in charge of the Chandigarh Architectural Museum pointed out. We agreed.

M. S. Randhawa

However, the story here is not about the co-relation between a civilization that still can make us proud and the city we live in, but about the Government Museum and Art Gallery's endeavour to preserve the documents related to the city from its gestation period to the growing up phase. The mine of information in form of manuscripts, documents, original sketches, lithographs and photographs compiled meticulously by M. S. Randhawa are all being converted into digital form by a dedicated team of the museum in collaboration with the Nanak Shahi Foundation and Punjab Viraasat Charitable Trust.

"It was the need of the hour as these important documents have aged and unless we do something urgently this treasure trove would be lost forever," says Navjot Singh Randhawa, director of the museum. Looking at those yellowish paper with edges giving way to time, though kept inside glass frames one can understand what Randhawa means. Once the digitalisation process is over, the originals would be properly restored and tucked away in the library. "When the digital prints are ready visitors and scholars would be able to go through these documents," Randhawa adds.

A Digitalisation Centre has been set up at the Architectural museum, which is going to be a permanent feature. Once the entire collection of the museum is digitalised, a team would be helping out collectors of rare and old manuscripts for digitalisation through its Outreach Peogramme. Though the centre is only about 10 days old, 17 documents have already being digitalised. And the break-neck speed at which the team is working has a reason behind it. Claude Prelerenzo, who is the secretary-general of the Le Corbusier Foundation, will be visiting the museum on February 5. Prelorenzo will be in the city to participate in the Corbusier Week celebrations at Alliance Francaise de Chandigarh.

Acid test
Jasmine Singh

This actor of Acid Factory has his fingers in too many pies

Nicolo and Dino Morea. Photo: Vinay Malik

Out of the two, which one would you steal a glance for good look - Dino Morea or his elder brother, Nicolo (Nic) Morea. You are in for a surprise, for it was Nicolo who grabbed all the attention, without any effort. And sorry Dino, we love you still. In that white tee and hair pulled back, you look deadly. Okay, the occasion is the opening of Crepe Station Cafe in Sector-35, which has brought in Nic, Dino and the other members to the city.

Sans the 'I strictly mean business' look, effortless and flooded with information, the elder Morea, the brain behind the conceptualisation of Crepe Station could easily be mistaken for an actor, who hasn't made his debut yet. But for now he is honing his skills in another industry, food and beverages, and you bet he is loving it too. It says so statistically. Crepe Station Cafes in Mumbai and more coming up in Goa, Kolkata and Delhi, Nic plans to go national with the stores. Backed with 15 years of experience, it wouldn't be an uphill task. First Crepe Station, the name? "Crepe means pancake in French," offers Nicolo. "And it is not that I have grown up eating it, it's just that the name intrigues. As long as you remember the name I am okay with it," he smiles, something that remains with him till the end of the conversation.

As for Crepe Station Caf`E9`85 "I would look at as a lifestyle station, where people come, talk and we will fill in the rest," he says. The 'rest' of course has to be a delectable menu. "Crepe's menu is all about good, healthy, tasty and enjoyable food," adds Nicolo. "There is nothing extraordinary about the food, but it is good food cooked differently. At the same time, we haven't compromised on the standards. In addition to this, the prices are nominal and the food portion ridiculously big," says Nicolo, who is coming up with a lifestyle show on television. Acting? "Hey, I have been approached by many people, but I am waiting for something good offers to come my way," he breaks into a throaty laugh. And this is where the 'reel' actor comes in, Dino Morea, in charge of the marketing of the brand, which he is doing pretty well. "Most of my business meetings happen at Crepe, and all my friends love the food here. Almost 90 per cent of the Bollywood and television actors order minimum one food in a week," says Dino. This sounds good. Something like your coming up projects? "I have finished shooting for Acid Factory, wherein I play a negative character. Besides this, two more films, which I can't talk about right now." But there is certainly something we would want to talk about, selection of movies. "Now, I am making a conscious effort to do good films, and the criteria is a good content and the right and the right banner that can market the film well. I have done films in the past that didn't work well but I don't regret doing them. It was a learning experience for me," puts in Dino, who plans to release a film under his own production house Clockworks Films. As for food, which is the reason why he is in the city. "I am not fussy about food. I can live on daal, and I like prawn curry as well," he flashes a dimpled smile.

Cause and concern

Today is World Wetland Day! Now even the ones not into celebrating world XYZ days need to seriously pay attention to this. Why? For the uninitiated, the city beautiful's 225-year-old heritage pond in Sector 26 nursery is under threat due to Chandigarh Administration's plan to build up a club for VIPs.

The pond and its serene environment of the fruit nursery, which could easily be developed into an eco tourism spot is these days dying a planned and unnatural death as the water supply to the nursery has been disconnected since many months to let over 600 fully grown trees die slowly, before any construction starts.

It is worth mentioning that this fruit nursery was the only of its kind in the region, where best of fruit plant breeds were available for the people of Chandigarh at nominal costs. Not only this, the information obtained through RTI shows that once the land is transferred to the society , it can actually carry out commercial use of the land too.

Gaurav Chabra, founder-director, NGO Humlog, made a film called Green Warriors, which has been screened in several schools and institutes. Hopefully the decision should be rolled back. If not? Then courts. Again not? Then CHIPKO!!! The NGO seems to have charted its growth. The entire movie can be viewed at their official website. This day needs to be celebrated with concrete action! — TNS

Masti once again
Ashima Sehajpal

This Punjabi singer believes in quality over quantity

Sixteen years into the profession and just five music albums. That's it! The number is quite a surprise when we see around 50 Punjabi music albums releasing every month. Here is someone who though not intentionally, seems to be following footsteps of Aamir Khan. "Quality matters and not quantity," believes Punjabi Pop singer Ashok Masti and abides by it by releasing one album every two years. Figures and trends do not bother him and he takes pride in working on his own conditions.

Well, the singer takes this liberty for he is sure his fans do not mind it. "My last album, Karkhe Glassy came two years back and people still love it. For me, important is what ever work I do, it should get registered with audience," says Ashok, who was in town on Sunday to attend launch of G-Asia, a website of a Punjabi magazine. And fans who are eagerly waiting for his next venture, here's the good news, "My next album, Crossover will release in the first week of April." The singer not just works on his talent, also does full fledged research on the market, "The album was earlier scheduled for release in the December but what happened in Mumbai dampened everybody's spirits. Now in a month's time, we will have exams which again is not the right time for the release."

The album has ten tracks and this time he has tried something new with his project. "This time, I sang compositions on Punjabi rock beats. Also, I have tried to bring variety in the album. Five songs are folk based and for one track Apache Indian has done the rap." How was it working with Apache Indian? "He pumps a lot of energy into the song, which is very motivating for any co singer."

The singer is quite confident of his work since it is not just the title track he has focused on. "The whole product should guarantee entertainment. I have put in a lot of hard work on every track and even every video has been made in tandem with the mood of the song."

He takes the initiative and talks about reality shows. And we realised his views are quite right. "Be it a doctor, an engineer or an MBA, everybody needs around 22 years of study to become one but when it comes to singer, a few months are also considered enough." Ashok does not believe much in the term God's Gift and feels there is no escape to hard work, "Even if someone is blessed with good voice, he has to understand different genres of music. Especially when one aims to become a stage performer as well, it becomes important to wok on the overall personality."

Ashok also prefers to write compositions for his songs, "It helps me relate to the song better."

Yoga to Yogalate
Manpriya Khurana

If aerobics or yoga has lost sheen, here are a few exercises you can try

Cardio's so done, aerobics seems to have lost punch and yoga just doesn't kick. Suckers for experiment and excitement in exercises are a harried lot. Sympathising with those bored of the regular fitness routines, restless brigade, including the ones genuinely interested in new and lesser known forms of exercise, here's an attempt to provide alternative solutions available in city.


A form of exercise that dates back to World War I but has only recently become popular. Equivalent to a training that works to build the core strength of the body. Anup Debnath, fitness expert at a city gym, explains, "Pilates is based on the principle of correct breathing, is about correct posture and concentrating on your core area. It's more about mind and body co-ordination." When can people go for it and what are the results? He says, "Anyone from the age-group four onwards can go for it and the results are a much more toned body as there's fat loss. There are also no injuries involved."


Now, this, as the name suggests, is a combination of yoga and pilates. Blend of East and West philosophy of exercise, in this one practices pilates on the yoga mat. The exercises include stretching, strengthening and limbering and help burn fat faster than with yoga. Go for it, if you want to bring in a bit of kick in your regular yoga sessions. Not exactly an option available the city right now, but you can always pester your local gym to start a session!

Power Yoga

We know, you've heard enough! If info-overload further confused you, this might help. "In power yoga there are more repetitions in exercise, the duration of postures is slightly longer. In short, it is strenuous than normal yoga," says Anil Juneja, power yoga expert, Planet Fitness-8. However, he warns, people with complaints of backache, high blood pressure, hypertension against going for it. Says Anil, "Neither yoga nor power yoga is magic, either of them has to be made a lifestyle option." And the sacrificing followers are rewarded by instant weight reduction.


Still spinning on this one? Well, think stationary bikes, music and motivating words of an instructor. In short, million watts workout. During this form of exercise, one varies the pace, sometimes pedaling as fast as possible and at other times, cranking up the tension and pedaling slowly. Exciting? However, Vivek Kumar, spinning instructor, cautions, "Since it's a high intense cardio, people who are too heavy or have joint pains or even those not habituated to heavy work-outs should not go for it." Others can jump in!

BODY wise
Feel it in the bones
Sachin Kalra

For all the right reasons, it is important to have calcium in your diet. And bones need it the most. Not only does this mineral aid in bone formation, it also plays a role in muscle and heart contraction, blood clotting and nerve transmission. Even more exciting is that recent studies suggest the calcium may help in weight loss.

Calcium can be the key nutrient needed to help in losing weight. A new research suggests that calcium can help adjust body's fat-burning machinery. Calcium is said to change the efficiency of weight loss, by favoring fat burning rather than fat storing.

Another study has found that a high intake of calcium may hinder weight and fat regain. And that dairy source of calcium (low fat variety) is more effective in weight and fat loss than fortified calcium food. People generally slash milk products from their diets to lose weight, which isn't right. It affects your bone strength and makes weight loss more difficult.

Boosting calcium to about 1,600 mg per day allows the body to store less fat and use fat for energy more readily. Aim for three servings of low-fat dairy foods a day. A serving equals one cup of milk or yogurt. Take calcium-rich foods like fish, canned sardines and mackerel, white bread, green leafy vegetables such as broccoli, nuts, seeds, beans, dried fruit and oranges. Many of these foods also tend to be low in calories and so can easily be incorporated into a sliming diet.

Also try calcium-fortified products, like cereals and juices or take a calcium supplement.

The bottom line is that increasing calcium intake is a boon to those who want to not only lose weight, also to lose fat, improve body composition, and keep that fat and weight from coming back.

Remembering Randhawa

To celebrate the birth centenary of Dr. M. S. Randhawa, Chandigarh Lalit Kala Akademi is organising a Dr. M. S. Randhawa memorial lecture on art and architecture

by internationally acclaimed artist Jatin Das on February 2 at 5pm at the Auditorium of Govt. Museum and Art Gallery-10.

An exhibition of Dr. M. S. Randhawa Memorabilia is also being organised that will be inaugurated by Shri Jatin Das. Renowned art historian Professor B. N. Goswamy will give inaugural remarks about Dr. Randhawa and his work.

When we go through the achievements of Dr. Randhawa, it is amazing to know how one person had achieved so much in one lifetime and made a great difference in the lives of thousands of people.

"He was an outstanding administrator, art historian, scholar, scientist, organiser, social worker and farmer. We at the Chandigarh Lalit Kala Akademi feel that there is a need to enthuse fresh energy to awaken the public, art lovers and the artistic fraternity to rejuvenate the artistic activity and its appreciation with an activity of this level befitting the modern, free and cosmopolitan image of the city beautiful. It would only be fair to celebrate this great man’s birth centenary in a manner suitable to his personality," said Diwan Manna, the chairman of Chandigarh Lalit Kala Akademi. — TNS

Present perfect

In keeping with the spirit of love and togetherness, Orra-The Diamond Destination introduces its latest collection, Hearts of Perfection pendants, for the Valentine season.

The Hearts of Perfection pendants are as special as the love you share with your valentine. The pendants are available in three shapes- pear, round and kite shaped. These beautiful pendants are set in white gold and studded with the best quality Belgian diamonds. To make the collection even more special Orra has selective pieces set with Forevermark diamonds. The heart and arrow diamond forms the centerpiece of the pendants. This diamond when seen through a special magnifying glass reveals a pattern of hearts and arrows inside it. Starting at an affordable Rs.7000, you could not look at a better gift this Valentine Season. Orra is also giving its customers a classy perfume free with every purchase. So the fragrance of love lingers on forever.

Vijay Jain, CEO, Orra says "Diamonds are a girls best friend, so give your special someone a beautiful pendant to remind her of how special she is to you."

The ollection is available at all 35 Orra boutiques across the country. Orra is known for its Belgian diamonds and superior craftsmanship. Whatever the occasion Orra has a design for you! — TNS

Spiritual Shankar

This year is special for Shankar Sawhney. Having sung Hindi and Punjabi tracks, the singer for the first time, will come up with a sufi album. "I have sung sufi songs before but this time it is special since it is a full fledged sufi album," says Shankar. Also the genre happens to be his favourite, "Sufi music is though an age old music form, it is still so popular among people for it is soulful and soothing."

The singer, who belongs to Kiraana Gharana, has to his credit 17 music albums but it is writing poetry that excites him. "I am basically a poet. I love writing only spiritual verses and all the pop numbers that I have sung are not composed by me."

We got to know the spiritual side of the singer better as told he us that he has also recited Maha mritunjaya mantar. And it's no commercial venture. "I have already distributed 6 lakhs VCD's of it and my target is one crore. Hope god will help me achieve it soon". We hope so too.

The actor has some Bollywood numbers in his kitty and is looking forward to make a debut in a Punjabi flick, "As of now, all I can reveal is, it is a music oriented movie. Rest you will come to know at the right time."

Curious case of chaos

Brad Pitt has confessed that with six children in the house, his place becomes ‘chaotic’. However, the hunk insists that he still finds the experience joyful. The kids might be from four different countries, but the Hollywood star insists that they are bound by blood. “It’s chaos at times, but there’s such joy in the house,” a magazine quoted him. “I look and there’s our boy from Vietnam [Pax, 5] and our daughter from Ethiopia [Zahara, 3], and our girl was born in Namibia [Shiloh, 2], and our son is from Cambodia [Maddox, 7], and they’re brothers and sisters, man. They’re brothers and sisters and it’s a sight for elation,” he added.Jolie also gave birth to twins Knox and Vivienne last July in France. “We were four before, and we got into our rhythms and it worked. Then someone new comes in, and it discombobulates the movements for a moment, but then you settle in again and it just all works,” he said. “Everyone’s pretty well integrated. It’s not the first time new kids have come in. “We have the capability to give a child a home, and let me tell you it’s selfish, too, because the reward has been extraordinary,” he added. The couple makes sure that everyone gets their individual time as well as group time together. — ANI

Restaurant diaries

Popstar Justin Timberlake is keen to open another restaurant after his first eatery called BBQ restaurant/bar Southern Hospitality on Manhattan’s Upper East Side became a hit with the locals. The My Love hit maker opened his first restaurant in 2007.

It quickly became a hit among locals and Timberlake’s fans flocked to check out his take on southern favourites like chicken wings, pulled pork, and macaroni and cheese - all taken from the Timberlake family recipe book, a website reported.

Seeing its success, Timberlake and his business partners Trace Ayala and Eytan Sugarman are planning to open another restaurant in Chelsea. The trio has even chosen a space on 6th Avenue for a rent of around 35,000 dollars per month, reports a magazine. Meanwhile, Timberlake was recently in news, as he will be performing with Sir Paul McCartney at the Grammy Awards this year. — ANI

Smooch ride

Renee Zelweger

Renee Zellweger has confessed that her smooch with Russell Crowe in The Cinderella Man was ‘intense’. In an interview on a television show, the 39-year-old actress rated her smooches with co-stars George Clooney, Russell Crowe, John Krasinski and Harry Connick Jr.Talking about Crowe, Zellweger said, "He’s intense. He takes his work really seriously. And that’s really interesting, it’s interesting," reports a website. Smooching GeorgClooney in the Leatherheads was troublesome for Zellweger. "Ha, ha, ha — trouble! Yeah, you do not want to be on the receiving end of one of his practical jokes! You just don’t," she said. "Because they can go years long, you know what I mean? Like, I’m still waiting on one, I’m sure. I’ve got it coming! That guy’s patient," she added. — ANI

Throwing weight

Donning skin-tight leather trousers, Jessica Simpson made a public appearance to blast criticism surrounding her ‘curvy’ body. The singer’s rather ‘full body’ was largely criticised after pictures of her concert in Pembroke Pines, Florida on January 25, were made public.

However, taking the controversy in her stride, Simpson took to the stage again and was seen strutting across the stage in black leather trousers as she opened for Rascal Flatts in Charlottesville, Virginia on January 29.

“I feel like in our world today we focus on so many things that are completely pointless. Please remember, no matter what you go through in life, somebody else might have it harder. So just appreciate,” she was quoted as telling the crowd.

Although, she didn’t say much about her weight directly, but did thank fans for supporting her. She announced at the end of her set: “Thank you for your support. Stay positive, and pray out loud! I love you guys, good night.” — ANI

Tragic times

Underworld star Kate Beckinsale has revealed how tragically her father, Richard, died in his sleep at their Berkshire home, while her mother, Judy, was undergoing surgery to have more kids. Kate recalled that she was just five when the Porridge star died in 1979, aged just 31. “I used to pester my mother to have another baby when my father was still alive. She ended up having an eight-hour operation to unblock her tubes and things like that,” a newspaper quoted the actress as saying. “The operation was a success but my father died while she was having it, so it was really ironic, terrible timing,” she revealed. Kate has an older half-sister, fellow actress Samantha, from her father’s first marriage to Margaret Bradley. — ANI

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