
SOUTH’s 3S showed at least six spades and invited a slam. North’s 4D was a control-showing cue-bid, showing the ace or king of diamonds but denying the ace or king of clubs. South bid Blackwood, finding three aces opposite, and leapt to a grand slam. How would you play 7S when West leads the ten of hearts? If hearts break 3-3 you can discard the queen of clubs on the long heart. Otherwise you will have to take the club finesse. Declarer won the heart lead with the king and drew trumps in three rounds. He then cashed the king and ace of diamonds and ruffed a diamond, West showing out. West had shown up with only three cards in spades and diamonds, to East’s nine, so he was favourite to hold both heart length and the club king. Before testing the hearts, declarer played his last two trumps, throwing clubs from dummy. To keep his heart guard, West had to throw all his clubs except the king. When declarer played the queen and ace of hearts, East showed out on the third round. West’s last two cards were the ten of hearts and a club. Since he had started with six clubs to East’s two, the odds were ‘3-1 on’ that his last club was the king. A club to the ace duly dropped the king and 7S was made.
What will you say now?

What will you say now?

Partner’s 1NT suggests around 15-18 points. You have 8 points and a five-card major, so you are worth a game try. The best method is to use transfer responses, just as you would when facing a 1NT opening. You can bid 2D here, showing five hearts, and then rebid 2NT to invite game. If you do not play transfers you would have to guess what to do. Probably you would overbid slightly and jump to 3H (forcing).

Awards: 2D (transfer) - 10, 3NT/3H-6, 2NT-5, 2H/Pass-3.

David Bird — Knight Features