Laura’s memoirs

US First Lady Laura Bush has inked a deal with Scribner to write her memoirs for publication in the spring of 2010. The memoirs will include her experiences in the White House and Texas governor’s mansion along with some "very personal" details like having a strong-willed mother-in-law, dealing with loss and raising children.

"I am very pleased to be associated with Scribner, the distinguished publishing house of many of my favorite books," quoted Bush as saying.

"I look forward to working with Scribner and the Simon & Schuster team as I tell the stories of the extraordinary events and people I’ve met in my life, particularly during my years in the White House," she added.

Susan Moldow, executive vice-president and publisher of Scribner, said in that they are thrilled to have the opportunity to publish the First Lady’s memoirs.

"As a rare witness to the private moments of one of our country’s most consequential presidencies, and as a First Lady who has maintained a notable level of discretion, her memoir will provide a candid and personal perspective, and an enduring record, of the years that have already determined the course of the 21st century," she added. — ANI