SOUTH opens a 15-17 point 1NT and, sitting East, you double the Stayman 2C response. What is the meaning of such a double? Against a weak notrump it is better to play that a double of Stayman (or of a transfer response) shows a hand worth a penalty double of 1NT. In other words, it shows general strength rather than a strong holding in the suit bid artificially by the responder. Since you are much less likely to have a penalty double of a strong 1NT, it is better for such doubles to be lead-directing. Here your double of 2C suggests a club lead. Partner duly leads the queen of clubs against South’s spade game. You overtake and cash two more clubs successfully, West throwing a low heart on the third round. What now? It is not possible to score a further trick from the side suits. You should therefore lead fourth round of clubs. It makes no difference that this will give declarer a ruff-and-discard, since he has no loser to throw. You hope that partner can ruff with the 9, forcing dummy to overruff with the 10 or jack. Your Q-8-6 in the trump suit will then be worth a trick and the contract will go one down. What will you say now? Answer AWARDS: 2NT-10, Double-8, 3H-5, 2H-4. David Bird — Knight Features