Hollywood Hues

Trite comedy

 Ervell E. Menezes finds the humour in What Happens in Vegas loud and boisterous 

Cameron Diaz and Ashton Kuteher tend to jar in What Happens in Vegas
Cameron Diaz and Ashton Kuteher tend to jar in What Happens in Vegas

What Happens in Vegas, that’s how snappy Hollywood has gotten. No need of the Las prefix. But what happens there is only 15 minutes of the film’s footage. That’s where our romantic couple Joy (Cameron Diaz) and Jack (Ashton Kutcher) take the "I do" vow in a moment of inebriation and then they live to make a fight of the millions they have on at the casino. The rest of the film is, of course, in the Big Bad Apple or New York.

Joy is a commodities trader on Wall Street and Jack an under-achiever in his dad’s carpentry business. Joy is also a neatness freak while Jack is a party-pooper and likes to paint the town red with his pal Hater (Rob Corddry). Joy has just been dumped by her fianc`E9 (Jason Sideikis) on the night she was to propose to him. To put that nightmare behind her she takes a flight to Las Vegas for a week of fun with her female friend Tipper (Lake Bell).

By strange coincidence they land up in the same suit as Jack and his friend Hater. From the time they get together this foursome gets at each other like hawks over a tiny prey. Repartee is the name of the game with each one giving it as good as he or she gets, but somehow in this game it’s Tipper who has the best lines which are delivered with panache by Lake Bell.

For starters, it’s great but the saucy situations and not-so-strange coincidences are as predictable as a Siberian winter. So is the deft cutting and editing which, then, tend to jar. Cameron Diaz and Ashton Kuteher have to act stupid which seems to come naturally to both, though Diaz tends to overdo things. But Rob Corddry is a great find, a natural comic.

That the unintendedly newly-weds carry on their fight in New York forms the meat of the story with lavish parties and snazzy locations in more or less expected. For variety, we have a chiding judge Dennis Miller and an equally conniving marriage counsellor Queen Latifa. Joy soon gets close to Jack’s parents while Jack is a hit with Joy’s boss (Dennis Farina) and the story chugs on lazily.

But by now it has hit rock bottom with the humour loud and boisterous and the slapstick sickening. From here, it can only get better and guess what, that’s precisely what happens. They go looking for the lighthouse (not To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf you dude) on the fringes of New York and the climax is some compensation. But not compensation enough for suffering such a trite romantic comedy. See it only if you don’t have anything better to do, and that’s said on oath. Promise.