
South responded to the double with a cue-bid of 2C, to show his strength. The alternative call of 2H would have shown only around 8-10 points and would have been non-forcing. With no club stopper in either hand, the partnership eventually came to rest in a 4-3 heart fit. Take the West cards now. You cash the two top clubs and your partner plays the two followed by the eight, telling you that he has three clubs. How do you plan the defence? It is fairly certain that declarer has all the high cards that you cannot see. The best chance of beating the contract — a good one — is that he holds only four trumps. At Trick 3 you continue with the queen of clubs, forcing South to ruff. Declarer plays a trump to the queen followed by a trump to the king. What will happen if you win the first or second round of trumps? The contract will be made. If you continue with a fourth round of clubs, declarer will be able to ruff with dummy’s jack. If instead you play any other card, declarer will win and draw trumps, claiming the balance. To beat the contract you must hold up the ace of trumps twice. Declarer cannot resist this defence. If he plays a third round of trumps, you will win and cash two club winners. If instead declarer reverts to the side suits, leaving two trumps out, your partner can ruff the fourth diamond. One down!
What will you rebid ?

You should contest the part score with 2D. This is non-forcing and suggests a weak hand, since if you held upwards of 10 points you would start with a penalty double of INT. Partner will nearly always pass.
Awards: 2D-10, Pass-6.

David Bird — Knight Features