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The Leader’s Way

His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Laurens Van Den Muyzenberg.
Nicholas Brealey Publishing.
Pages 202. Rs 495.

A rewarding, often surprising glimpse into the life and thoughts of the world’s most inspiring leaders, The Leader’s Way contains fascinating insights and anecdotes from His Holiness the Dalai Lama, ranging from his meetings with Mao Tse Tung to his Tibetan government-in-exile and his positive views on wealth and the free-market economy. It provides a powerful manifesto for leading change that can have an impact at every level from the individual to the global.

Born out of a decade of discussion and debate between an international management consultant and the head of state and spiritual leader of Tibet, the book flows from the meeting of two worlds — the global marketplace and Buddhism. At first sight these seem to be an unlikely pairing. Take a closer look, however, at the best business practices and Buddhist principles and we find that both are concerned with making the right actions effectively.

The world today faces many challenges. While our total wealth has increased enormously and we are benefiting from technological miracles, billions of people are living in abject poverty, we face the imminent threat of environmental disaster, and even those in prosperous nations feel insecure about the future. To deal with these problems requires a different kind of leadership that sees things as they really are and understands the interconnectedness between companies, countries and the economic system. Through practical exercises and real life examples, The Leader’s Way takes readers on a progressive path: first teaching the art of making the right decisions, then tackling the issue of leadership for our organizations, before applying these new principles to addressing such vital topics as poverty, sustainability, cultural diversity and responsibility.

New Nepal, New Voices — An Anthology of Short Stories

Ed Sushma Joshi and Ajit Baral. Rupa. Pages 187. Rs 195.

The stories in this book illustrate that the Nepali writing in English is not only alive but bursting with energy. Gone are the days of tortured metaphors borrowed from Shelleyand Keats, the days of believing that the only way we could write was by mimicking the literary giants of our southern neighbour. The narratives in this book are distinctively Nepali, but they also move beyond the boundaries of the parochial, landlocked Nepal and reveal a country whose physical space is as fluid as its national identity.