Inspiring poet

Musician Bob Dylan, born Robert Zimmerman, is believed to have changed his name after reading poet Dylan Thomas
Musician Bob Dylan, born Robert Zimmerman, is believed to have changed his name after reading poet Dylan Thomas

THE archetypal romantic poet, Dylan Thomas, has apparently inspired many celebrities of today and yesteryears, and become a part of their lives in one way or the other. While Thomas had been dead for less than a decade, he is still ruling people's minds as a romantic poet who lived his life to excess and died for his art.

Bob Dylan, born Robert Zimmerman, is believed to have changed his name in around 1962 after reading Thomas, even though the musician likes to deny it.

Pop and rock group The Beatles also brought Thomas to the fore as counter-cultural icon by including his portrait among the motley crew on the cover of their 1967 album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.

A Times Online report suggests that Thomas still influences celebrities, with Catherine Zeta-Jones and Pierce Brosnan calling their sons Dylan.

The report says the former Bond has gone as far as calling his son Dylan Thomas Brosnan. Besides that, Brosnan is among people who have been or are making films based on the Welsh bard's life.

While 'The Edge of Love' was released this year, Brosnan's version is still under production. Mick Jagger's Jagged Films is also said to be considering a Dylan-themed script for some time.

Dylan, in his own words, devoted his life to his “craft or sullen art”. —ANI