NORTH’S 3H bid was part of the Lebensohl convention. In the version being played, 3H showed four spades but no heart stopper. How would you play 3NT when West leads the king of hearts and East shows out, throwing a diamond? Declarer won the first round of hearts and continued with four rounds of spades. If West had been dealt four clubs, in addition to the ace of diamonds and his good heart suit, he would have had to throw two heart winners away to keep the clubs guarded. Declarer could then have set up the king of diamonds as a ninth trick. As it was, West came under no pressure and was able to throw two clubs. Since there was no play for the contract now if West held the diamond ace with his good hearts, declarer cashed the queen, ace and king of clubs. The club suit did no break but declarer was conveniently in the dummy. He now exited with dummy’s fourth club. When East won the trick, he had nothing but diamonds in his hand. He was forced to concede a trick to dummy’s king of diamonds and the game was made. note that it was essential for declarer to win the first round of hearts. If he were to duck the first round, a diamond switch from West would beat the contract.
Answer AWARDS: 2NT-10, 3NT-7, 3C-3, Pass-2.
David Bird — Knight Features