Saturday, August 16, 2008

Karuna Goswamy



1. Hanging down loosely; freely swinging

6. Sir Thomas _, England’s ambassador at Jahangir’s court

7. Sick; unwell

8. Suspect; mistrust

11. Ring or area used for sports etc.

14. German city on the Danube

15. The hot wind that blows in summers

16. Giving one’s name to a tribe, place etc.



1. Umbrella like jumping device

2. Requirement; urgent want

3. The language of Mir and Ghalib

4. Short form of a notice of a person’s death

5. Lustful; lecherous

9. Is used for steering a boat

10. Proscribe; forbid

11. Abbr. for material used for firing in war etc.

12. Not difficult; comfortable

13. Lowest female voice in operas