Saturday, August 9, 2008

Karuna Goswamy


1. Great 17th century Spanish painter
4. Worthless horse
6. Category of persons in India in poor and backward circumstance (inits.)
7. Optical device that produces a beam of strong light, now much in use
8. Place for keeping animals for public exhibition
9. Powdery residue left after burning
10. To go to stay with or see a person
12. Before, in poetic terms
13. Medical specialty dealing with problems of nose, throat etc (inits.)
14. Filipino leader who opposed the U.S. in the Spanish American war


1. Cacacas is the capital of this south American country
2. There are seven deadly ones
3. Small skull cap worn by Catholic priests
5. Sheath-like covering for the hand
6. To hold forth; declaim
11. Astonish; astound