Saturday, July 12, 2008

Karuna Goswamy


2. What elephants are often killed for

6. Worthless horse

7. There can be much of this about nothing

8. Curved path around a celestial body

11. Another name for Ireland

12. India’s premier fashion institute (inits.)

13. Fabric made of rushes, or straw

14. Dilip Chandra _, famous vocalist

16. Prince or chieftain in Islamic lands

18. One of the seven sages of India

20. Make a mistake; go wrong

21. Informally spoken, the toilet

22. Subject of discourse; motif


1. Generally comes before a Job

2. _ Stravinsky, great composer

3. Sphere; globe

4. A category among Jain monks

5. Situated behind; coming later

9. Transmit; send; forgive

10. Bury; place in a tomb

15. Small, slender feathered missile

17. A unit of distance

19. A match can sometimes end in this