Saturday, April 12, 2008

Karuna Goswamy


2. Watery animal fluid

6. Powdery residue after a fire

7. The university founded by Sir Syed Ahmed (inits.)

8. Late medieval people of central Mexico

11. Not wild

12. Lively; stylish

13. An exclamation showing disapproval

14. To box, especially with light blows

16. A seafood delicacy

18. Something like a hoard; reserve

20. ___ Amin, the strong man of Uganda

21. Be unwell; ill

22. Something like a ditch or trench


1. Odd and remarkable; marvellous

2. Fraud or hoax

3. Decay; become decomposed

4. Vishnu’s gada is so described

5. Republic in north central America

9. A striped animal

10. Era; a significant period

15. Sour-tasting substance

17. David __, great film director

19. Secret agency of the US (abbr.)