Saturday, April 5, 2008

Karuna Goswamy


1. What the telegraph was, and the computer is

6. Striving in competition

7. Most cigarettes have it

8. Lobsang , author of The Third Eye

11. Guide; direct

14. " , Drink and Be Merry", some say

15. A kind of silk produced in the north-east of India

16. Bengal city that was inhabited early by the Danes in India


1. Famous seaport in Scotland

2. Change direction; shift

3. India’s great medicinal tree

4. Top body of Indian tennis (abbr.)

5. Story of account of events

9. Industrious insect

10. Baked delicacy

11. Commotion; rebellion

12. Ancient kingdom east of Babylonia

13. Nevada city known for its casinos