Ulta Pulta

Water woes
Jaspal Bhatti

MY friend Sukha was getting a news report framed at a photo shop. When I asked him what was the report about, he showed me the report which said, "It is impure water and not alcohol which causes liver disease".

Many drunkards celebrated this statement of experts from Canada and Germany with neat pegs. A man fighting with a bartender said, "Didn’t I tell you not to pour water in my drink?"

Dr Butterworth from Canada has found that the main cause of hepatic encephalopathy in India is impure water. In light of this statement, the drunkards union should stage demonstrations throughout the country demanding pure water for their drinks.

Wine makers should honour doctors who dispel misgivings about alcohol. If further research is undertaken, who knows one day some doctor might find that most accidents happen due to excessive drinking of impure water and not alcohol. The police would then press breathalysers to check the level of impure water in blood.

When Sukha’s wife asked him, "Why do you always have a drink before your meal?" Sukha replied, "To kill snails, germs and other impurities in the food cooked by you and water supplied by the municipality."