Gem of a tooth

Call it an oral fashion statement or simply an effort to blend in with the bold and the beautiful. Either way, the trend of fixing jewels on your teeth is here to stay, writes Anuradha Padwal

Dental jewellery does not need to be pre-treated
Dental jewellery does not need to be pre-treated. It is bonded onto the tooth the way an orthodontic bracket is

WANNA flash that beautiful smile without any inhibitions? You need more than just perfect pearly whites; there are other innovative, affordable and incredibly funky xways to sparkle and dazzle this season. We’re talking dental jewellery — a sure-shot way to have the spotlight on yourself. Dental jewellery goes back a long time. Scientists have found jagged teeth in the tombs of ancient Egyptians. The valuable dental prostheses of that era were signs of affluence and were mainly used for cosmetic purposes.

But getting a jewel fixed on your teeth doesn’t have to conjure images of terror and intolerable pain. The procedure is non-invasive and absolutely painless. All you need is a precious stone and the right glue. But we suggest that you don’t attempt this at home.

Dental jewel is a special decoration (diamond or other stones such as zirconia) which can be attached to your teeth. Before applying the dental jewel, you need to first consult your doctor who will check the tooth’s condition and the suitability of the jewel. Once he is convinced that the jewel is going to increase the aesthetic appeal of your smile, you can go ahead with fixing it. The process is completely painless and does not require any anesthesia.

What’s even better news is that the adhesive used for sticking the stone is harmless and doesn’t damage the enamel. You might probably need an hour or two to get used to the stone.

The doctor provides you with all instructions concerning the care of dental jewels, the most important being perfect oral hygiene. Since the jewel is attached to the tooth with an adhesive, it is possible to remove or change it without side-effects. The lifespan of the dental jewel depends on the stress that is put on the tooth and the overall dental care. Says, Priyanka Baliga, a college-goer in Mumbai: "I had my jewel implant done when I was in school. I thought it was cool at that time but removed it when I got tired of it."

If the jewel comes loose unexpectedly, reattaching is easy, too. Dental jewellery does not need to be pre-treated and is bonded onto the tooth the way an orthodontic bracket (braces, for the unitiated) is. The entire process takes about 10 minutes and will cost you between Rs 1,500 and Rs 3,000, excluding the stone’s price.

There is a wide range of dental jewellery to choose from, though not many are in vogue here in India. Some of the most popular international brands are Lzi, Skyce (from Vivadent) and smile gems (Swarovski stones for those with deep pockets). Skyce, the most popular brand of dental jewellery, offers sparkler variations like ‘Crystal’ and ‘Sapphire blue’ stones, though white ones are preferred more since they are not as obvious as the others.

Then there are the ‘Dazzlers’, ‘Twinkles’ and ‘Billy-Bobs’ which are manufactured from the same alloys as dental prostheses, and are, therefore, harmless and non-allergic. They usually consist of an extra thin, multi-carat gold coating, filled with special glass or precious stones, and are glued to the tooth surface.

To attach the Dazzler, the tooth surface (the dental enamel) is slightly roughened with the help of an acid. Yes, the same technique that is used by dentists for tooth-fillings. The objective is to guarantee an optimal long-term hold. The procedure does not damage the dental enamel.

Twinkles are attached with special glue. When you’ve had enough of it, you can get it removed without any scarring. Says Sashi Rao, an engineering student in Bangalore: "I’ve got my Skyce in blue sapphire as a personal statement. All my friends were getting tattoos and piercings done. I’m not into pain and besides, removing my Skyce is easy compared to getting rid of tattoos and piercings. Most importantly , I think it looks really cool".

Customised ceramic crowns are popular in the West but have not yet come to India. The trend is all about ceramic artwork on your teeth but it costs a hefty $ 2,500 a piece.

Finally, we have the dental grills which are a type of rather elaborate jewellery worn over the teeth. Grills are made of metal and are usually removable. They were popularised by Hip Hop artistes like Nelly, Ludacris and Outkast. Long-term usage could result in localised dental problems. The grills haven’t become popular in India yet.

Apart from a temporary sensitivity of the tooth, which is triggered by the acid, nothing goes wrong during the treatment. But if you don’t maintain oral hygiene, complications could arise. Every piece of dental jewellery creates an ideal niche for bacteria, which is something dentists can’t do much about. If you don’t brush your teeth carefully enough, your entire tooth could fall victim to caries. To avoid such problems, I suggest you have your dental jewellery applied and removed only by a qualified dentist.

Call it an oral fashion statement to stand out among ordinary mortals or simply an effort to blend in with the bold and the beautiful. Either way, go ahead and add that extra sparkle to your smile. — MF