Rhyme Time
Life’s a game
Life has many
ups and downs,
difficulties, you should not frown,
Success is its
sweet face,
Followed by
problems at each of its phase,
Failure is a
bitter truth to manage,
confidence, you should accept it as a challenge,
You should
always give your best,
Be prepared and
go through each test,
Stop not until
you achieve your aim,
With honesty,
you should play your life’s game,
Use your
talent, potential to full strength,
Stretch your
boundaries to maximum length,
Then nobody can
stop you from reaching your goal,
Give your
performance with your whole heart and soul,
Never lose
difficulties, it will help you cope,
Life is like a
coin with two sides,
followed by many waves and tides,
But try to go
through each of its folds,
Worry not as
there is someone above who keeps you in his hold,
At every turn,
you experience something new,
Failures may be
many and achievements few,
But still hard
work gives satisfaction more,
After drowning,
you are again on the shore.
Ankita Goyal, X,
St Joseph’s Convent School, Ferozepore
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