Karen McCallum won a recent world women’s pairs championship in Montreal but this was a deal she played a few years ago. North’s raise to 4H was ridiculous, as I see it, and Karen was fully entitled to carry to the bidding to the six level. How would you play the heart slam when West leads the ace of diamonds? If you can manufacture three spade tricks, you can discard one club from dummy and will then need to finesse the club queen. Ruff the diamond lead, cross to the queen of trumps and ruff the remaining diamond. Now lead a low spade towards the dummy. If West holds K-9 or Q-9 in the suit, he cannot prevent you from scoring three spade tricks. If he holds K-x or Q-x and mistakenly rises with the honour, you will also make three spade tricks. As the cards lie, West will play low and you must now insert dummy’s seven of spades! This forces an honour and you can subsequently run the jack of spades through East’s remaining honour. When East wins the first spade and switches to a club, you must finesse the queen rather than the ten. You are forced to assume that East holds the other missing spade honour and the suit will therefore produce three tricks unless East holds precisely king-queen doubleton. Answer
In general a jump response in a suit
shows about 8-10 points. Here you have only 7 points but you are
entitled to add a bit for the fifth heart and the singleton spade.
When you bear in mind that partner is likely to be short in clubs, you
are well worth a jump response of 2H. Remember that this is
non-forcing and partner will pass when he holds a minimum take-ourtdouble.
David Bird — Knight Features