Saturday, January 12, 2008

Charge filed

A man was brought to the court. The judge said, "What is this man charged with?" The policeman said, "He opened a shop sir." The judge said, "And what is wrong with opening a shop?" The policeman said, "Well it wasn’t his shop sir."

Old caretaker

A man was passing a country estate and saw a sign on the gate. It read: "Please ring bell for the caretaker." He rang the bell and an old man appeared. "Are you the caretaker?" the fellow asked. "Yes, I am," replied the old man. "What do you want?" "I’d just like to know why can’t you ring the bell yourself."

Mystery remains

Two rich young women, Tina and Buffy, were watching a TV show about the French Revolution. Buffy said, "There’s one thing that puzzles me. If they were so poor, how could they afford all that antique furniture?"

Seconds in a year

The teacher said, "Now class, we know there are 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours in a day, and 365 days in a year, so who can tell me how many seconds are there in a year?" All the kids looked baffled by the question except Rufus, who raised his hand and waved it excitedly. "Yes, Rufus, how many seconds are there in a year?" the teacher asked. Replied Rufus, "Twelve, m’am. January second, February second, March second.`85"

Clap of thunder

When the graveside service had no more than just finished, there was a tremendous burst of thunder accompanied by a distant lightning bolt and more rumbling thunder, and more lightning. A little old man looked at the pastor and calmly said, "Well, she’s there."

Compiled by Sunil Sharma