North had little to spare for his redouble and it was a close move to advance over 4S. He reasoned that any minor-suit finesse was likely to be right. As for the hearts being controlled, he was relying on East’s 4H bid. This presumably showed a large number of hearts and would leave South with a shortage in the suit. How would you tackle 6S when West plays the ace and king of hearts? There are eleven tricks on top and an easy twelfth in clubs if that suit breaks 3-3. The other chance is that West holds both missing diamond honours and length in clubs. He can then be caught in a simple squeeze. After ruffing the second heart, you draw trumps and play the ace, queen and king of clubs. If clubs divide 3-3, you are home. As the cards lie, West holds a club guard. You simply play all the spades. On the last one West will have to make a discard from K-Q of diamonds and the jack of clubs. Sitting over him in the dummy will be A-J of diamonds and the seven of clubs. Whatever West throws, this will establish a twelfth trick in dummy. Suppose West leads the diamond king instead. You win and run all the spades. West must throw all his hearts, to guard the minors, and you then lead a diamond towards the jack.
Answer You are happy with spades as trumps and must look for a way to tell partner how strong you are. The best bid is 2D, a cue-bid in the opponents’ suit. This shows that you have a sound raise in spades. If instead you bid 2S, 3S or even 4S, this shows a shapely hand and is pre-emptive. Awards: 2D - 10, 3S — 6, 2S — 5, 4S - 4 David Bird — Knight Features