Was 9/11 an inside job?

Shyam Chand examines the evidence about the many versions of the attack on the World Trade Center reported in a new book

David Ray Griffin has stirred a hornet’s nest
David Ray Griffin has stirred a hornet’s nest

TO enter Vietnam war, sonar effects were invented showing North Vietnamese torpedo boats attacking US destroyers. Debunking 9/11 Debunking completely destroys the credibility of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and Popular Mechanics reports. The NIST report was prepared by Philip Zelikow, a factotum of Bush administration’s Department of Commerce. Report of Popular Mechanics is a journalistic account based on official theory.

Polls in US show that 39 per cent believe the official story that Bin Laden was responsible for the attack. 36 per cent do not believe the official story. Twentyfive per cent believe that Saddam Hussain was responsible for the 9/11 attack.

People who believe the official story base their belief on a ‘suspect’ video declared to be bogus’ by Bruce Lawrence, the leading expert on Bin Laden. When the Taliban offered to handover Bin Laden if there was any proof of his involvement, the Bush administration did not have any evidence.

The NIST report says that "only three columns had evidence that the steel reached temperature of 250 degrees Celsius".

Paul Craig Roberts says ‘The self-cleaning ovens in our home kitchens reach temperatures higher than this, and the ovens do not melt or deform`85`85`85`85. Steel begins to melt at 1500 degrees C or 2800 F. A temperatures of 250 degrees C would have no effect on the strength of steel. The explanation that the buildings collapsed because of fire weakened the steel is speculative. Open air fires do not produce temperatures sufficient to deprive steel of its structural integrity. Steel framed buildings have burned 22 hours in raging infernos, and the steel skeletons remained standing. The WTC fires in the towers lasted about one hour and were limited to a few floors. Moreover, it is impossible for fire to account for the sudden, total and symmetrical disintegration of powerfully constructed buildings, much less at free fall speeds that are obtainable only with controlled demolition."

Prof. Griffin interviewed fire fighters, tenants and police who testified that they heard and experienced series of explosions prior to the disintegration of the towers. This contradicts the official conspiracy theory. Weeks after the destruction of WTC buildings, molten steel was found in underground levels. As every one agrees that the fires did not approach the melting point of steel, a possible explanation is high explosives used in demolitions that produce 5000 degree temperatures.

Official version suggests that the DNA for each person on the passenger list and flight crew of Flight 77 of boeing 757 that crashed into the Pentagon was matched. The contradiction arises in the absence of luggage, fuselage, wing and tail sections indeed the absence of a 100000-pound airliner is attributed to the vaporisation of the airplane due to high speed crash and intense fire.

A former senior official of the CIA, Bill Christison, described Griffin’s book "a superb compendium of the strong body of evidence showing the official US government story of what happened on September 11, 2001 to be almost certainly a monstrous series of lies". John Whitebeck, an international law specialists, says: "After reading David Ray Griffin’s previous books on the subject, I was over 90 per cent convinced that 9/11 was an inside job. Now after reading Debunking 9/11 Debunking, I am, I regret to say, 100 per cent convinced".

French politician, Christine Boutin, now Housing Minister in Nicolas Sarkozy’s government, has suggested that US President George W Bush might have been behind the terrorist 9/11 attack. "I think it is possible. I think it is possible", she said.

Allan Greespan, the former Federal Reserve Bank Chairman, in his book, The Age of Turbulence: Adventure in a New World, writes, "I am saddened that it is politically inconvenient to acknowledge what every one knows: the Iraq war is largely about oil. What the Bush administration denies and the western media ignores is: Blood for oil."

"In his conclusion, Griffin reminds us that the 9/11 attack has been used to start wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, to plan an attack on Iran, to curtail constitutional protections and civil liberties in the US, to radically expand US military budgets and the power of the executive, and to enrich entrenched vested interests. Griffin is definitely correct about this regardless of whether a believable case can ever be made for the government’s version of the 9/11 conspiracy", writes Paul Craig Roberts, assistant secretary of the US treasury during the Reagan administration.

Iraq’s estimated oil reserve in 2002 were about 112.5 billion barrels. US Department of Energy has estimated that Iraqis’ reserve could be about 400 billion barrels if new explorations are undertaken. The Iraq Study Group has recommended privatisation of oil production and inviting foreign oil and energy companies.

James A. Paul of the International Policy Monitoring Group has listed six petroleum wars, all fought in Iraq: Colonial conquest (1914-18), war of pacification (1918-30), re-occupation (1941), Iran-Iraq War (1980-88), Gulf War (1991) and the low-intensity conflict during the sanction period (1991-2003). Thirty senators have asked Bush in writing not to invade Iran. Only a year is left for Bush to demit office. He is in a hurry to show something to his credit. He wants to capture oil and gas from Iran.