ulta pulta
Taken to task
Jaspal Bhatti

When you ask someone which cellphone is he carrying, he is likely to proudly say, "My cell has got a three mega pixel camera." Most people while buying a mobile phone these days inquire more about the camera and other features than its phone functions. If some terrorist is buying a cellphone, he is likely to ask, "Arre is ki battery blast to kar jayegi na?"

People these days are not only fascinated by multi-functioning of gadgets and appliances but also by the multi-tasking by their employees. You would often find advertisements in newspapers, saying: ‘Wanted a receptionist-cum-typist’. Some bosses, if their wives permitted, would not hesitate to advertise: ‘Wanted a female computer typist-cum-receptionist-cum-body masseur’.

In places like Mumbai where space is a problem, people prefer sofa-cum-beds instead of mere beds. If some furniture shop offered them a sofa-cum-bed-cum-dinning table, they might ask, "Could a dressing table also be incorporated?" Some more innovative things could also be designed to attract customers. An umbrella-cum-gun could be a useful gadget for security men guarding VIP homes. When there are rains, they could convert their guns into umbrellas.

A toothbrush-cum-thermometer should also be devised for taking body temperature while brushing your teeth.

Two women were getting acquainted with each other when one asked the other, "What does your husband do?" The second woman said, "My husband is an accountant-cum-storekeeper." She then asked the first one about her husband. "He is a husband-cum-servant," she replied.