Mediation, modernity and terrorism
Randeep Wadhera

Settle for more
by Sriram Panchu
East-West Books, Chennai. Pages: xvi + 98. Rs 250

Litigation is a costly and time-consuming affair in our country owing to massive overload of cases in the courts. It is not unusual for litigants to wait for years, even decades, before witnessing the conclusion of their ordeals. Panchu points out that the extant system is not conducive to speedy settlement of court cases. Although not all cases can be resolved out of the court a significant number, constituting adversarial litigations, can be sorted out through alternate dispute redressal mechanisms involving mediation. However, mediation is neither institutionalised nor widely practised in our country, making it necessary to initiate reforms in our judicial system.

This book systematically makes a strong case for setting up formal mediation institutions wherein, according to the author, lawyers would be peacemakers and courts the rooms for consensus. Feeling sceptical? After reading this volume you won’t be.

War against insurgency and terrorism in Kashmir

by Gen. YM Bammi. Natraj, Dehra Dun.
Pages 410. Rs 450

Much blood-mixed water has flown down the streams, rivers and rivulets of Jammu and Kashmir over the insurgency-afflicted years. Pakistan’s low intensity warfare in the state has stopped paying dividends to its military junta; it is fast threatening to become a liability instead, thanks to the transformed geo-strategic scenario. However, despite some signs of hope, sponsored violence is quite rampant in the state. This book studies the genesis, nature and extent of terrorism in J&K as also the role of our armed forces in fighting the menace even as they reach out to the civilian population as its friend and protector. This tome is an important addition to the region’s recent and still unfolding history.

Articles of faith

by Major Singh
Gurmat Pustak Centre,Ludhiana.
Pages: xi+65. Rs 60

The Khalsa’s establishment gave birth to a warrior sect whose members had, and still have, a distinct physical appearance and attitude. Now that the Mughals have become history should there be changes in its precepts and practices? As with any other dynamic religion, Sikhism too is witnessing a debate between traditionalists and reformists on its several aspects, especially the followers’ physical appearance. In this volume, the five essays by learned Sikh scholars not only put forward cogent arguments in defence of the traditional way of life but also suggest ways and means to bring about a happy amalgam with the demands of modern lifestyle.