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Know About Karma WHAT is karma? Is there life after death? Do we have any control over our destiny? These are some of the questions the mankind has pondered over since eternity. The theory of karma is a very complex topic, which the author has chosen to write about. It is as an ancient a topic as our civilisation, and as complicated as this universe. Much debate has taken place on this topic in the past, too, but without arriving at a definite conclusion. It’s just a matter of one’s faith whether he or she believes in the theory of karma or not. Though the Hindu philosophy strongly supports the karma theory, other religions may not endorse it in toto. However, the author emphasises with conviction that it is all about the karma cycle, which determines our past, present and future births on this earth. He has given several examples and short stories to support his belief. These stories do touch the reader’s heart deeply, yet they leave much to be answered to a quizzing mind. For example, worldwide population has increased considerably over the years. What about those new souls who have no trace of previous birth and consequently bring no previous karmas with them? If they have arrived on the earth for the first time without any karma of previous life, how come they are born in such a place and under such tiring circumstances that leaves them with no choice but to accumulate bad karma in their first life? If karma determines our life, and we reap what we sow in our previous birth, these poor souls will eventually fall into the vicious cycle of birth in a miserable lives one after another. Nature has made every species in a unique way. They act according to the law of nature. Man, being the superior of the lot, can make his own good or bad karma. But then, we also know that every human being has his or her own individual nature which results in actions. Many a times, certain circumstances or a sudden impulse, lead you to commit such a thing, which you otherwise won’t even think of doing. For a moment, you lose control over your actions and even repent for the rest of your life having committed them. Do such unwilling actions also become our karma? Similarly, the Hindu philosophy also dwells on the faith that there are 84 lakh yonis (birth as different species) before one gets birth in human yoni. What is the criterion of selection in this regard? Where do our karma stand in our selection of next birth? Despite all these unanswered questions, the book, written in a simple language and divided into 52 small chapters, makes an interesting reading. Each chapter throws light on different aspects of life. The writer lays stress on leading a simple and good moral life, be good to others, do your duties honestly and always have faith in the Almighty. Positive thinking, right attitude, faith and optimism form the gist of this book. It can help you change your attitude towards life and can surely lift your sagging spirit, especially if you are passing through the darkest tunnel of your life.