ulta pulta

The last word
Jaspal Bhatti

I apologise to all readers insincerely for writing this lousy piece. You may ask why an insincere apology? Because in today’s world, heartfelt apologies are out and insincere apologies are the rage.

An apology may be acceptable to one section of society and be totally unacceptable to others. Let’s take a closer look at some of the apologies making the round these days.

Religious apology: A religious apology is tendered to wriggle out of a controversial situation and keep your religious ego intact.

Sports apology: It comes handy after a crushing defeat. One can afterwards easily shift the blame to other players, coaches, the pitch, weather conditions, etc.

Student apology: This entails promising falsely to your teacher that you will not repeat the offence, knowing very well that you will create bigger trouble next time.

Apology to wife: Used most often but remains the most meaningless apology.

Public apology: Apologise to that section of the public, which has nothing to do with the issue.

A shopkeeper was once praying in a temple and asking for forgiveness. "God pardon me, I have sinned because I have always cheated my customers. Please forgive me." A man standing next to him, who was his customer, said, "Yes, God, please forgive him for he is a sinner". The shopkeeper lost his temper. "How dare you call me a sinner? Only I have the right to call myself a sinner."