Bush has read Indira's biography

Indira GandhiPresident of the US George W Bush prefers to read books, rather than watch television, and a biography on former Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, has acquired pride of place.

According to Arnaud de Borchgrave, Bush reads two to three books a week and does not watch television.

Most of the books he reads are history and biographies of famous statesmen and three stateswomen who took their countries to war.

Apart from Indira Gandhi, they include Margaret Thatcher of Britain and Israel's Golda Meir. Bush identifies with George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D Roosevelt, Harry Truman and Winston Churchill, all men of courage who did what was right when it was most difficult.

Bush sees his decision to invade Iraq in the same historical league as Truman's decision to repel North Korea's invasion of South Korea, to firing the immensely popular General Douglas MacArthur for openly disagreeing with the president and to Ronald Reagan's defeat of the Soviet Empire.

According to Bush's reading of history, for the US, the world's most powerful nation, to lose the war in Iraq would be tantamount to Churchill and the Royal Air Force losing the Battle of Britain in 1940. —ANI