When a poor man has his pocket picked in a crowd, we pity the man and his loss. But when a policewalla loses his purse, it becomes laughable and great material for a dramatic skit. Recently when a group of policemen were taking the dreaded gangster Abu Salem to Delhi from Mumbai, one of the security men lost a few thousand rupees when they were shoving their way through the crowd at Delhi airport. The pickpocket deserves full marks for doing his duty religiously, irrespective of the high-profile nature of the case. Pickpockets as a class are saintly people, not swayed by emotional reasons like colour, caste and creed. I am sure that if the pickpocket had jostled with Abu Salem himself, he would have fled with Salem’s jail allowance, if he had any. One such veteran
pickpocket was produced before the judge in a court. The judge fined
him 1,000 rupees. The pickpocket said, "Sir, I have only 800
rupees with me". The judge said, "So, how can I help?"
"Could you allow him to be in a crowd for a few minutes?"
the pickpocket’s lawyer requested.