Gone With The Wind back again

The second sequel to Margaret Mitchell’s Gone With The Wind, an all-time favourite novel, has been okayed by the publisher for release in November. It will not be a sequel per se, but a retelling of the story from Rhett Butler’s point of view. The title of the book is Rhett Butler’s People. The new book has been written by Donald McCaig, who has authored well-received novels about the American civil war. This sequel planned by the publisher, St Martin’s Press, took 12 years, three authors and one rejected manuscript. Hoping that readers will love another dekko at the tumultuous romance between Rhett Butler and Scarlett O’ Hara, the publisher has planned an initial print run of one million copies.

The first sequel, titled Scarlett, by Alexandra Ripley, published in 1991, has sold more than six million copies till date, Mitchell, who died in 1949, had resolutely refused to write a sequel to the bestselling 1,000-plus pager. To get the publishing right for the second sequel, St Martin has paid $4.5 million advance to the Mitchell estate. —IANS