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The True Name
Talk on the Japuji Saheb of Guru Nanak Dev by Osho
Hind Pocket Books. Pages. 528 Rs 295

The True Name -- Talk on the Japuji Saheb of Guru Nanak Dev by OshoEvery few thousand years an individual appears who irrevocably changes the world around them in ways that are never immediately apparent, except to the most perceptive.

Osho is one such individual: his spoken words will resonate for centuries to come.

All those words have been recorded and transcribed into books like this one, written words that can carry a transforming message to the reader.

For Osho, all change is individual. There is no "society" to change — it can only happen to each one of us, one at a time.

So, no matter what the subject matter of the book, the thread that runs through all Osho’s words is like a love song that we can suddenly, mysteriously, hear at just the right moment. And strangely, no matter what the words seem to be referring to, they are really only referring to us.

And this is no ordinary love song, more an invitation to open our hearts to hear something beyond the words, beyond the heart... a silence beyond all understanding. Where we all belong.

"The Japuji were Nanak’s first proclamations after the union with the beloved. The Japuji are the very first words uttered by him after self-realisation. Therefore they hold a very special place in the saying of Nanak.

Osho is neither a prophet not a philosopher; he is simply sharing his own experience. The Sunday Times of London described him as "one of the 1000 makers of the 20th century."