
YOU open a 15-17 point 1NT and partner raises you to 3NT. How should you play this contract when West leads the seven of spades to East’s jack? Two spade tricks, four diamonds and three clubs will bring your total to nine. If East holds K-x-x-x in diamonds, you will need to take three finesses in the suit. To achieve this, you will need three entries to dummy in the club suit. Lead the nine of clubs to the ace at Trick 2 and play a diamond to the queen. When the finesse wins, lead the eight of clubs to dummy’s king and play a diamond to the jack. Now lead the six of clubs, playing dummy’s two, to set up your third club trick. The defenders will win and doubtless clear the spade suit (playing on hearts is no better for them). Feeling pleased with yourself, you can lead the four to clubs to dummy’s five, giving you a third entry to the dummy. A diamond to the ten will give you a total of four diamond tricks, even if East started with four diamonds to the king. Time to score up!


When responding to a take-out double, you have two duties-to suggest a denomination and to show the strength of your hand. Here you have a clear preference for hearts, so the only problem is to determine the level of the response. A jump response of 2H suggests around 8-10 points. You are fully entitled to add a point or two for a five-card major suit, so 2H is appropriate here. Such a response is in no way forcing and partner will pass with a minimum double, even with a heart fit. AWARDS: 2H-10, 1H-6, 3H-5, 4H-3.

David Bird — Knight Features