New twist to Everest love story

A Nepali couple who tied the knot on top of the world’s highest peak has now released a book on their adventures. The book Motinaya Sagarmatha (The Everest of romance) — is written by Kathmandu girl Moni Mulepati, 27, and Sherpa boy Pem Dorjee Sherpa, 26, who married atop the peak on August 30, 2005. Being the first Newar to scale the peak, Mulepati co-authored the book with her husband in the Newari language.

The book, which is being translated into English and Nepali, describes the couple’s interest in the mountains, their aims and desires and how their romance blossomed during the arduous climb. Released this week, the book promises to be handy for laymen interested in climbing the summit, listing dos and don’ts, including equipment needed.

The wedding was also special because it built a bridge between two different communities in conservative Nepal, where inter-community marriages are not favoured.

While Sherpa comes from a community that has given the world dozens of ace mountaineers, including Tenzing Norgay Sherpa, the first man to summit the 8,848-metre peak along with New Zealander Sir Edmund Hillary, and Apa Sherpa, the legend with 16 summits to his name, Moni comes from the Newar community, people more famed for their business acumen and craftsmanship than sporting activities.

Six months later, the Everest feat will have a sequel as the couple is expecting their firstborn in July. — IANS