Saturday, November 18, 2006

Karuna Goswamy


4. Religion founded by the Prophet Mohammed

6. Vital fluid circulating in a plant

8. Well-known lake in California

11. Scotland’s most famous city

16. Before, in other words

17. Usually, persons of the highest class


1. Bone in the forearm

2. How Rajneesh is often referred to

3. Band or scarf worn round the waist

5. — West, former Hollywood siren

7. Sudden feeling of distress or longing

9. Journey on horeseback

10. Word every Internet user knows something about

12. Anger; wrath

13. “Little — “by Charles Dickens

14. “— this Last”, John Ruskin’s famous work that influenced Gandhiji

15. You don’t see well when this is in the air