Ulta Pulta
Spy spotter
Jaspal Bhatti

In the scientific lingo we use a ‘mole’ to refer to the numbers of atoms and molecules. Science students never forget the torture of memorising that the number of objects in one mole is 6.02`D7 10`B2`B3, also called the Avogadro’s number.

I am not clear that when Jaswant Singh was talking about a mole, which part of physics or chemistry was he referring to? Was he thinking that his latest book in which he talked about a mole in the Narasimha Rao’s office, would cross the figure of 6.02`D7 10`B2`B3 in sales?

When I was a science student, I had to mug up this Avogadro’s number which never was of any use to me in my life, but I think Jaswant Singh has been able to use it in publicising his book.

If for a moment we thought that Jaswant Singh was referring to some spy in the PMO who was selling off nuclear information to Americans, then why doesn’t he reveal his name? Probably he has a villainous face with a big mole on his mind. And the very thought of the dark, villainous face scares him. Or is he trying to make a mountain out of a molehill?

There are chances if he doesn’t reveal the name of the mole the publisher of his book will pile up all the unsold copies in front of his house and say "Janab kitaben to biki nahin, aapko khud hi padni padegeen".