Market mantra
Priyanka Singh

All Marketers Are Liars
by Seth Godin. Penguin.
Pages 186. `£ 9.10

Does wine taste better in a Riedel glass than in a `£ 1 glass? While most wine experts and marketers would have us believe that, it has been proved scientifically that the wine flavour is not enhanced in any manner. And yet, Riedel sells millions of dollars’ worth of glasses every year. The reason: wine tastes better because people want to believe that it does.

Godin, author of Purple Cow, the bestselling marketing book of the decade, writes that the trick lies in telling a story—a story that tells a lie which people would want to believe. This is where smart marketers step in. They craft a story and sell it to people that best suit that particular worldview. The story or idea, if it clicks, would then benefit from digitally augmented word of mouth, which Godin calls "ideavirus." The result is a successful business enterprise or product.